Ban on single-use plastics in Guatemala

On September 20, 2019, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources published Government Agreement 189-2019 through which   the use and distribution of single-use plastic bags, plastic straws, plates and glasses is prohibited at the national level. disposable plastics, disposable plastic mixers and stirrers, disposable plastic containers or containers for storing or transporting food; as well as expanded polystyrene products (duroport) used to store or transport food .

At that time, a period of two (2) years was set for all individuals or legal entities that use the aforementioned products to replace them with articles made with materials that comply with the European Union standard UNE-EN 13432.  This term expires on September 21, 2021 .

We recommend taking this issue into consideration since the Government Agreement has not been suspended or repealed, and as it is in force it becomes a mandatory rule.

ZONE has a team of experienced professionals who can advise you on the scope of this prohibition and the due environmental compliance of your company in Guatemala. For more information, contact us at +502 2225-7000 or by email at [email protected].

Law of Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation in Costa Rica

April, 2018

By: Luis Palacios, Zone Environmental Consultant

On February 6, 2018, Law 9518 on Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation came into force, which seeks to promote, through economic and practical incentives, the use of electric cars in the country. This will help reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in transportation, which is currently the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in Costa Rica.

With this regulatory measure, the fundamental duty of promoting new technologies for the efficient use of natural resources and protection of the environment, which the State had previously acquired through the Organic Law of the Environment (articles 4 and 58) and the Biodiversity Law (in its chapter VIII).

Some of these benefits are still subject to further development by public, private and financial institutions. However, the Law specifically establishes the following incentives that operate with its entry into force:

  1. Tax exemption applied on the value of the vehicle, as follows:
Valor CIF  Ventas  Selectivo de consumo  Impuesto sobre el valor aduanero 
Los primeros $30.000 del valor CIF  100% exoneración  100% exoneración  100% exoneración 
De $30.001 hasta $45.000 del valor CIF  50% exoneración  75% exoneración  100% exoneración 
De $45.001 hasta $60.000 del valor CIF  0% exoneración  50% exoneración  100% exoneración 
De $60.001 en adelante  0% exoneración  0% exoneración  0% exoneración 

This exemption will operate for a period of 5 years from its entry into force.

    1. Spare parts related to the operation of the electric motor and the batteries of electric vehicles will be exempt from the sales tax and the selective consumption tax.
    2. If the vehicle is made in Costa Rica, the equipment for the assembly and production of electric vehicles will be exempt from the total payment of the sales tax for 10 years. The Law establishes that the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) and the Ministry of Finance will make a list of equipment subject to this exemption.
    3. On the payment of vehicle property tax, which constitutes 65.59% of what is paid by MARCHAMO, exemptions will be applied as follows:
Año  Exoneración de pago de impuesto. 
Primero.  100% 
Segundo  80% 
Tercero  60% 
Cuarto  40% 
Quinto  20% 
  1. Exemption for 5 years from the total payment of the selective consumption tax, the general sales tax and the one percent tax on the customs value, to the parts necessary for the installation of the recharging centers.
  2. Electric vehicles that bear the badge issued by MINAE will not be subject to the vehicular traffic restriction in the San José metropolitan area.
  3. Electric vehicles will be able to park in the preferential spaces designated as blue that will be created in public parking lots, supermarkets, shopping centers and other private parking lots. These parking lots do not substitute or replace the parking lots for people with special mobility conditions regulated in Law 7600.

Other incentives

In addition to the directly applicable incentives mentioned above, the Law contemplates other benefits that must be developed by the competent authorities and its application would entail multiple benefits for those who decide to take the step to use means of transport that are more considerate of the environment.

Parking meters: The Law previously authorizes the Municipalities to establish exemptions from the payment of parking meters for electric vehicles.

Public fleet and tenders: The evaluation of tenders and direct competitive purchases must give an additional 10% to bidders who, under equal conditions, demonstrate that the products offered are electrical.

Electric public transport : The National Plan for Electric Transport must project the replacement of the bus fleet, at least every two years, with a goal within this period of not less than 5% of replaced units.

With regard to taxis, those who wish to replace their carbureted vehicles with electric vehicles, will be able to enjoy the same benefits indicated in the law, as well as use a distinctive color defined by the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT). Likewise, when the MOPT starts new taxi concession processes, it will be required that at least 10% of the concessions be granted to electric vehicles.

Recharging stations : To supply energy to vehicles, MINAE will have the obligation to ensure the construction and operation of recharging centers, which must be built and operate at least every 80 kilometers on national highways, and every 120 kilometers on roads. cantonal.

Also, MINAE and MOPT are delegated to issue guidelines for the implementation of recharging centers for electric vehicles in shopping centers and public parking lots.

Mechanics and technical workforce : The National Training Institute (INA) must create channels for the education and training of human resources that can be professionally developed in the maintenance and repair of electric vehicles and their parts. For this, the INA can subcontract chambers, private companies and universities.

On the other hand, the Law requires importers of electric vehicles to provide repair and overhaul services for this type of vehicle, as well as to take care of the correct management of the waste generated by said vehicles. With this, it seeks to deal with one of the most delicate aspects of electrical technologies, which is precisely the waste generated by energy storage devices.

Financing Facilities : Perhaps one of the fields where the law leaves more room for further development is the financing of electric transportation. However, the law takes a step forward by establishing that the financing of electric transportation must be part of development banking projects, and also empowers the National Banking System to implement financing lines for this mode of transportation; These lines will include facilities in their terms, interest rate, guarantees and procedures, as long as they do not represent risky situations for the entities.

Finally, we believe that although there are still aspects to be developed, this Law constitutes a great advance in the fight to convert Costa Rica into a carbon neutral country and its application could greatly benefit the environment.

Environmental Due Diligence

April, 2018

By: Claudia Meléndez, Lawyer & Environmental Consultant of Zone

Before carrying out commercial operations such as mergers, acquisitions or financing, it is appropriate to carry out a prior review of the environmental management of the companies involved. This in order to have enough elements to ensure an adequate risk assessment, but mainly, the sustainability of the operation in its environment.

This investigation and analysis process is known as the Due Diligence process. The due diligence process in environmental matters aims to determine in a quantitative or qualitative way, the impact that the activities of a company may have on the environment. In fact, one of the main objectives of this study and analysis process is to determine possible environmental contingencies associated with both the company’s activities and the property in which it carries out its activities, helping to prevent environmental problems from reducing the value of your business or property, as well as avoiding possible contingencies or responsibilities for obligations acquired without prior knowledge.

An Environmental Due Diligence is a type of investigation that ideally should not be limited to documentary analysis and review; but accompanied by field visits to learn first-hand the real state of the company’s operations, circumstances that can hardly be evidenced by simply reviewing the possession of the permits issued by the regulatory institutions, these field visits help to qualify or value the amount of investment necessary to adapt a site to environmentally accepted criteria, which has a significant influence on the appraisal of the amount of the transaction.

Environmental Due Diligence studies are developed in different phases, the depth of each one will depend on the scope determined by the client. In general, the preliminary phase includes documentary review, verification of the existence of permits applicable to the company’s activity, a preliminary analysis of the site and verification of compliance with the applicable legal framework. In the second phase we can include specific studies and analyses, collect evidence of inadequate environmental management and environmental legal implications. Finally, the remediation phase, which includes taking actions to clean up the contamination and estimating the time and costs that these measures will require.

We can consider that including the environmental issue within the environmental due diligence process is extremely important since it allows:

  1. determine and quantify the current and potential environmental responsibilities, as well as the risks that can be assumed as a result of this transaction,
  2. establish an economic amount that covers environmental risks, of the current or future operation, which can significantly impact the establishment of the transaction price,
  3. allows knowing the economic investment necessary to adapt the property or company in question to environmentally reasonable criteria
  4. verify compliance with current and applicable regulations.

Therefore, omitting this essential matter in a due diligence process could imply enormous costs derived from the environmental damage that may occur from the company’s activity that was left without study and analysis, and in the future the stoppage and even possible closure of the operations of it.

Basic Occupational Health and Safety Rules 

Occupational Health and Safety has the objective of applying necessary measures for the prevention of risks related to work and plays a very important role in achieving the objective number 3 of sustainable development proposed by the United Nations Organization: Guarantee a healthy life and promote well-being for all.

In practice, it is an extension to the labor field of the duty that every person has to diligently avoid personal accidents and those of their dependents established by the General Health Law. But taking into account the diversity of situations to which people can be exposed in their work activity, there is a wide range of regulations to ensure the protection of people in their jobs.

The application of these rules is mandatory and they are not relaxed through contracts between the parties; However, the obligations in Occupational Health and Safety do not fall solely on the employers, since all workers are also obliged to comply with the legal norms and the internal rules indicated by the company in accordance with what is indicated in article 6 of the General Regulation. Occupational Safety and Hygiene.

Next, we will point out some of the Occupational Health and Safety issues of greatest incidence for companies:

Work establishments: The work premises must comply with the location and construction conditions required by the health, morals and comfort of the workers.

Likewise, every building with more than one floor must have at least one highly fire-resistant emergency staircase, with railings and handrails.

Space conditions: It must be ensured that workers have a work area greater than two square meters, and two and a half meters in height. However, the height can be reduced in special cases, but compensated by artificial means of ventilation and lighting.

For their part, the corridors must be wide enough in relation to the number of workers who must circulate through them, even considering cases of emergency evacuation.

Emergency exits: The regulations do not establish a minimum number of emergency exits, but instead order that they be sufficient and conveniently arranged for a successful evacuation. Thus, in small premises, the emergency exit may be the same conventional entrance and exit, however, they must have visible notices that say “Emergency Exit”.

No emergency exit should be locked or any other mechanism that makes it difficult to open them easily in times of high pressure.

Ventilation: In closed premises, the air must be renewed according to the number of workers and the nature of the work. Air renewal can be natural or artificial, taking into account the speed of entry, conditions of purity, temperature and humidity, so that it is neither annoying nor harmful to workers.

Outdoor work: When work must be done in the open or semi-open air, extreme temperatures should be mitigated as much as possible and workers should be protected from adverse situations in general. Adequate equipment must be provided to protect workers from rain and dust.

When outdoor work can subject workers to situations of thermal stress due to heat, a hydration, shade, rest and protection protocol must be designed and executed.

Lighting: Workplaces must have adequate lighting for safety and performance of duties. Artificial lighting should only be used when natural lighting is not feasible or sufficient.

Cleaning: The premises must always be kept in normal cleanliness conditions. When the sweeping or cleaning of the floor, walls and ceiling can produce dust, wet cleaning methods have to be applied.

Cleaning should be done outside of working hours, preferably after the end of the day. But if you prefer to do it before the start of the working day, it must be done with enough time in advance so that the place is aired for at least half an hour before starting the working day. When the working day is continuous, it must be done when there is less volume of people in the establishment.

Fire protection: The facilities must have means of evacuation, machinery, equipment or instruments to prevent and fight fires according to their needs, taking into account the number of workers, the work space and the activity carried out.


In addition to the topics mentioned, there are many other situations that can pose risks to everyone in the performance of our work, and which are regulated under an approach that gives priority to risk prevention.

These standards are important primarily to prevent accidents and protect people, but they also contribute to the effectiveness of work functions and prevent events that may have negative repercussions for the performance of work.

Neutral Carbon – ABC of Carbon Neutrality

What is Carbon Neutral and to whom does it apply?

Being Carbon Neutral means that the production of a good, the provision of a service or its consumption has not emitted more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than those that have been captured or removed.

This is why Carbon Neutrality is applicable to any organization, regardless of its line of business or its size (ie office, university, hotels, restaurants, industry), since they generate carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), the most frequent being the consumption of electricity, fuels, refrigerants, fire extinguishers, lubricants, and the management of their waste.

Why be Carbon Neutral?

The greatest advantages it represents for an organization are the following:

  1. Image and positioning.

It allows the organization to position itself with an advantage in the mind of the consumer and differentiate itself from the competition.

  1. Sales promotion.

The new consumer is increasingly responsible with society and the environment, so they would be willing to use products or services with eco-friendly characteristics.

  1. Cost reduction and control.

The conscious and voluntary implementation of carbon footprint mitigation measures leads to the discovery and elimination of inefficiencies in operating processes, an efficient and reasonable use of its resources, the result of which is considerable economic savings.

  1. Greater ease in opening markets.

Obtaining a Carbon Neutrality Certification represents a competitive tool of great value for the company in a market that already demands or expects proof of environmental commitment.

  1. Other benefits.

A positive impact on the company’s morale and culture, greater ease in hiring quality personnel, and increased credibility with customers, suppliers and society in general.

How to be Carbon Neutral and who can support me in this process?

Being Carbon Neutral does not mean avoiding the use of generation sources, but rather achieving a balance between generation and their reduction. Briefly, Carbon Neutrality is achieved in the following order.

  1. Quantification.

It is achieved by identifying the generation sources and quantifying the emissions produced by them in a verifiable period.

  1. Reduction.

Through the rational use of its resources, optimization and use of alternative energy sources, as well as the proper management of its waste (ie recycling campaigns).

  1. Removal.

Through the establishment of specific projects that show the capture of CO2 through photosynthetic activity (ie development of forest plantations) or through the purchase of Carbon Certificates.

In addition to the above, and with the objective that the organization can really use the character of Neutral Carbon, it must have a certification issued by independent, local or international third parties, based on standards, protocols or procedures duly established and recognized internationally (ie ISO14064).

Due to the environmental and economic benefits that this entails, we believe that every organization should be certified as Carbon Neutral, so you can count on the support of ZONE for the implementation of the Carbon Neutral Management System until the company can have its Certification.


The duty to recycle:

Recycling is essential to achieve the global objective of responsible consumption, and even constitutes a legal duty in many countries, including Costa Rica. Through the consensus of countries, the UN included recycling as one of the activities necessary to meet the sustainable development goals, which seek to end poverty, protect the planet and guarantee peace and prosperity for all people.

Part of what we understand by responsible consumption is the maximum use of the goods and services that are produced; Looking at it another way, it implies minimizing the waste of precious resources that can be used by others.

Therefore, to achieve the global goal of responsible consumption, RECYCLING is essential, which means:

* The transformation of waste.

* To restore its economic and energy value.

* Avoiding its final disposal.

* Provided that the restitution results in savings in energy and raw materials, and the recycled material does not pose a danger to health and the environment.

According to this formal definition, recycling is not considered to be the simple reuse of materials when greater energy and material costs are incurred to do so than would be necessary to produce a product with new raw material.

In many of the countries of the world, recycling is not an option, but rather an obligation imposed by the authorities. From Costa Rica, the law clearly states that all persons who generate or possess waste must:

* Reduce waste generation as much as possible.

* Separate the waste from the source, classify it and deliver it to an authorized manager or municipal system.

* Manage the waste you have in a way that does not endanger the environment or health, or cause visual disturbances or bad odors.

Waste must be separated and classified into the following categories:

* Ordinary: those of a domestic nature, such as paper, plastic, glass, etc.

* Hazardous Waste: that have toxic, radioactive, explosive, flammable and bio-infectious characteristics that can cause damage. Among this type of waste we find: rags impregnated with fuels, used syringes and containers of corrosive material.

* Special Management Waste: those that, due to their composition, transportation needs, storage and use, imply a risk to health or the environment. Examples of them are tires, car batteries and refrigerants.

The regulations on waste impose that the separation and classification of waste must be done from the generating source, this to facilitate the use of recoverable materials, but also to avoid that the mixture of waste of different categories can contaminate others. Thus, it is understood that if a hazardous waste comes into contact with an ordinary waste, the latter acquires dangerous characteristics.

The way to dispose of waste will vary depending on the type of waste. In the case of ordinary type waste, these must be delivered already separated and classified to the Municipality. However, the delivery of these to authorized managers or buyers of used raw material can also be agreed.

Hazardous waste must be delivered to managers specifically authorized to handle the waste in question. The generator that transfers its waste must make sure to record the delivery through delivery-transport-reception manifests, otherwise, it may be responsible for any damage that may be caused by possible waste management.

As for special handling waste, each type of waste has its disposal form that can be found in the product instructions or should be consulted at the time of purchase. An example is the case of car tires, which are usually left in the establishments that change them.

It is not surprising that the United Nations Development Program has included among its 17 immediate objectives, the responsible management of waste, since the positive effects that this activity generates for the prevention of diseases and conservation of the environment are undoubted.

However, with the application of responsible consumption measures, other objectives related to economic well-being can also be achieved. A case of success in this matter was achieved in our own organization, which through the reuse of stationery, we have managed to reduce our paper consumption and the accompanying expenses by 80%.

“FSC presents new procedure for the promotion and protection of forests”

On May 22, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) presented the new ecosystem services procedure, a global initiative that seeks to create incentives for the preservation of the valuable services that forests provide to the planet.

The FSC is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the accreditation and certification of public and private entities that provide environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests. Their work is of great value to achieve the global goal of preserving life and terrestrial ecosystems set by the United Nations Organization.

The new procedure will be available for implementation as of August 21, 2018, and plans to provide additional economic aid to forest owners, small owners and communities to implement the necessary tools to monitor and verify the positive impacts that their conservation efforts generate on the ecosystem.

Among the benefits generated by forests to the ecosystem, we can list the main ones:

  • Transformation of carbon dioxide (CO2) in air. Thus avoiding greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the danger of global warming.
  • Controlled infiltration of water into the subsoil. Through the roots and foliage, rainwater slowly penetrates the soil, supplying the underground basins with water, while preventing erosion and earth movements.
  • Provide home and food to much of the terrestrial biodiversity.
  • Serve as a biological corridor for a large number of species.
  • It serves as a platform to generate other essential services for life on the planet, such as soil enrichment and pollination of plants that provide food for all life on Earth, including humans.

The economic value that can be assigned to forests far transcends the value of their standing timber. The ecosystem provides multiple services and positive externalities that have not been properly valued. This initiative addresses this reality and will be of great benefit to promote recovery and conservation efforts in these areas.

Food Safety: Regulation in Guatemala

Cases of people contracting diseases due to the consumption of food or water that are contaminated by microorganisms, dangerous germs and/or toxic chemicals that can even cause death are regularly recorded. It is estimated that each year around 600 million people worldwide – almost 1 in 10 inhabitants – get sick from eating contaminated food.

Water and food are safe when they are free of dangerous microbes (bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi), chemicals (allergens, veterinary drug residues, agrochemicals, or toxins), or external physical agents (soil, hair, insects, etc.) that They are a risk to our health.

A safe food is also called innocuous.

Food safety is defined as “ the assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or consumed according to its intended use”.

The World Health Organization, for its part, establishes that access to safe and nutritious food in sufficient quantity is essential to sustain life and promote good health. Furthermore, the provision of safe food strengthens national economies, trade and tourism, contributes to food and nutrition security, and serves as a foundation for sustainable development.

Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance

In accordance with the Guatemalan legal order, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance is the governing body of the office of the State Executive Organism, to comply with the constitutional mandate of ensuring the health and social assistance of the inhabitants. In this sense, the aforementioned Ministry, through the Department of Regulation and Surveillance of Food and Beverages, will control:

The quality and safety of products for human consumption, monitoring good manufacturing practices; through the granting of health licenses and/or reference health records.

Sanitary license

Through the sanitary license, the General Directorate of Regulation, Surveillance and Control of Health, seeks to measure a minimum of hygiene standards and manufacturing practices that guarantee the safety and quality of products for human consumption and is mandatory for each establishment. where activities of food industrialization, preparation and sale of food are carried out.

All owners of food establishments, prior to their operation or opening to the public, must obtain the sanitary license issued by the Department of Food Regulation and Control. It is important to take into account that the operation of food establishments without a valid sanitary license is prohibited.

Food handling

One of the necessary requirements of a food establishment or production unit is to ask food handlers for valid health documents that are legally appropriate, to check their good condition and maintain their health history. These documents consist of the lungs card and the food handling card.

It is a duty of the food industry and food vendors, the health training of food handlers. This training is received at the Health Center closest to where the food establishment or production unit is located.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider these legal aspects for food-related industries in order to guarantee that they will not cause harm to the consumer.

New Regulation for the drilling of wells and use of groundwater in Costa Rica

On Friday, September 10, the new Regulation for the drilling of wells and use of groundwater was published , which is already in force. Below, we share the most important aspects of the regulation.

Regulation for the authorization of a well

  1. The WATER DIRECTORATE assumes the role of single window for drilling procedures and will give a hearing to SENARA and the AYA. This means that it will no longer be necessary to go to SENARA for the registration of wells, but rather that everything will be done under the procedure instructed by the WATER DIRECTORATE.
  2. The regulation defines the powers of each of the institutions involved:
  • The AYA is only responsible for ruling on the impact of an eventual drilling towards the water sources operated by the AYA or the ASADAS under its control.
  • The WATER DIRECTORATE is responsible for resolving the drilling permit for exploratory purposes. In addition, it is responsible for analyzing and defining the interference between wells and bodies of water and issuing a recommendation to MINAE on the granting of the concession.
  • SENARA, once the well has been drilled, is responsible for deciding on its final conditions (depth, diameter, casing, sanitary seals) in relation to the characterization of the aquifer.
  1. It is established that, for wells in the condominium self-supply modality, drilling must be carried out within the condominium and in a common area.
  2. The drilling procedure will be carried out in conjunction with the concession request, so from that moment on, the amount of water to be requested and its uses must be clear.
  3. The drilling request can only be made by the owner or possessor of the land.
  4. The term for granting the drilling permit is 7 business days.
  5. The drilling site may be located within a maximum margin of +20 meters from the authorized point.
  6. The drilling must be carried out within a month after the permit is granted, the extension of this period must be requested 10 days in advance.
  7. Both the drilling report and the pumping test must be submitted within 10 days of drilling:
  • If the concession is for population use or condominium self-supply, the pumping test must last 72 hours.
  • For any other use, the test will be up to 24 hours. The wording implies that the period may be shorter. 
  1. It is established that the protection radius of 40 meters of the wells must not go beyond the boundaries of the property. Therefore, no well may be drilled within 40 meters of the property limits.
  2. Saline Intrusion: The WATER DIRECTORATE will no longer request saline intrusion studies for any well that is less than 1 km from the sea. But if, based on various technical criteria, it concludes that there is a risk of saline intrusion, it will request the concessionaire to submit quarterly water quality reports. Said duty would be notified in the resolution granting the concession.
  3. After all the studies are presented and the edicts are published, the WATER DIRECTORATE has one month to resolve the authorization of the well.

Regulation for the Underground Water Concession.

  1. The concession process for the use of water will begin only when the WATER DIRECTORATE considers the well enabled.
  2. A concession request for a property other than the one where the drilling is located is allowed: in the event that the property where the drilling is located does not correspond to that of the exploitation, authorization from the owner of the land where the water will be collected must be provided. . This does not apply when the request is for the supply of water for human consumption by the population.
  3. It is established that the Water Directorate must issue the project granting the concession for the signature of MINAE, within a period of one month after the technical recommendation is issued. However, no deadline is set for the issuance of this technical recommendation.
  4. MINAE has a legal term to approve the concession of one month after receiving the draft resolution from the WATER DIRECTORATE.

Trends in energy production and consumption

Energy production is responsible for around 80% of CO 2 emissions and two thirds of all greenhouse gases, the main cause of global warming. Reducing these emissions is essential to ensure the subsistence of life on the planet, therefore, the Paris Agreement has proposed that each country determine its own objectives in order to keep the increase in average global temperature below 2 degrees with relative to pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to reduce the increase to 1.5 degrees.

Notwithstanding the obvious need to reduce emissions caused by the energy industry, we face the contradiction of having to increase energy production. To understand the challenges we face, we must consider the following:

  1. That the constant supply of energy is necessary for the enjoyment of human rights such as health, food, access to information, communication and transportation, which are essential to guarantee a dignified life for every person.
  2. That both the International Energy Agency and the largest companies in the energy sector agree that the demand for energy will tend to increase throughout the 21st century. By 2040 it is estimated that 30% more energy will have to be produced than is currently produced, this is equivalent to adding a new China and India to the current electricity demand.
  3. It is estimated that by 2030 there will still be 675 million people without a constant supply of energy, so there are still many homes to which the energy distribution network must be extended.

To face these challenges and at the same time conserve the environment, the following are of vital importance: i) the production of energy from renewable sources due to the low pollution they cause and ii) the efficient consumption of energy, so that more and more have to resort less to polluting energy sources to meet global energy demand.

The production of energy through renewable sources is growing at a fast pace, it is estimated that it will increase by 40% by the year 2020 and that by the year 2040 two thirds of the investment destined for energy production will be captured by renewable means.

Despite the rapid increase in renewable energy, we cannot just wait for energy transfer to renewable sources, as the challenge presented by global warming persists as always, with 2017 being the hottest year on record.

Apparently, global warming is progressing faster than the transfer to renewable energy. Therefore, to win the race for terrestrial survival, it is also necessary to rely on efficiency in energy consumption, that is, that the existing energy yields more and reduce waste.

The rational use of energy can be promoted on a large scale in different ways:

  • Electricity consumption bands : Minimum and maximum consumption limits are imposed, in this way, whoever exceeds the maximum limit of electricity consumption will suffer a penalty in the price to pay, while customers whose consumption is less than the minimum limit, will enjoy a reduction on your monthly bill.

In Costa Rica, this system is used only halfway, since the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity penalizes those users whose consumption exceeds 200 kWh per month, applying a higher rate for each kilowatt consumed in excess.

Likewise, article 9 of the Sales Tax Law exempts from said tax electricity consumption of less than 250 kw/h, if the electricity demand exceeds this amount, the sales tax will be applied to the total energy consumed.

Thus, in Costa Rica only excess consumption is penalized, but savings are not rewarded.

  • Promotion for the consumption of low-consumption products : This promotion can be via tax exemption, such as the one applied by the Law for the Regulation of the Rational Use of Energy on a whole series of products such as fluorescent light bulbs or solar panels.

Also, at the beginning of this year, the Law on Incentives and Promotion of Electric Transport was approved, which creates tax exemptions that considerably reduce the prices of vehicles, facilities for financing the acquisition of means of electric transport and other benefits such as preferential parking for zero emission vehicles.

  • Prohibition of non-efficient electrical products : Such as Directive 011 of the Ministry of Environment and Energy that prohibits public institutions from purchasing incandescent light bulbs and any other equipment with low energy efficiency. Or the general prohibition that exists on these products in other countries.
  • Establish maximum limits on consumption : Like the Law for the Regulation of the Rational Use of Energy, which establishes a maximum limit for electricity consumption by industry and whoever exceeds it, must present a plan for the gradual reduction of consumption.

As for individual initiatives for energy efficiency, joint construction and conditioning measures are usually taken, adoption of adequate equipment and the conscious use of electrical equipment. For example:

  1. Construction and conditioning:
  • With the use of climate control means such as adhesive solar filters on windows, the thermal impact of solar radiation on the interior of the building can be reduced and dependence on air conditioners can be reduced.
  • In terms of lighting, the interior arrangement of buildings in such a way that natural light is properly used reduces dependence on artificial light for up to 12 hours.
  1. Adoption of suitable equipment:
  • When it is not possible to completely avoid the use of air conditioners, it should be taken into account that centralized systems tend to use less energy than individual units.
  • Incandescent light bulbs waste 90% of the energy in heat, while only 10% is used to produce light. Switching to fluorescent bulbs uses up to 4 times more energy and reduces the heat generated by the bulbs, which also reduces the need for air conditioning systems.
  1. Conscientious use of electrical equipment:
  • The use of air conditioners in automatic mode to maintain a suitable temperature and at certain times, reduces the intensity of use
  • The use of natural light can save up to 22% of the energy used in buildings.
  • Regarding the use of electronic equipment, simple measures such as the adoption of black screen savers, sleep times and even automatic shutdown of equipment in disuse, generate a significant reduction in energy consumption.

There are many other measures that can be applied in terms of energy efficiency, which in addition to playing a fundamental role in the challenges that humanity currently faces, represent economic savings in the short and medium term, so being a win-win scenario, there is no real compelling reason not to adopt them.