New regulation seeks the protection of hydrographic basins in Guatemala

By zone_admin | 20 de May de 2022 | Blog

On February 3, 2021, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources published Government Agreement No. 19-2021, which contains provisions to promote the protection and conservation of hydrographic basins in Guatemala, which enters into force on February 4, 2021. With this regulation, the preparation of the study of basins by the ministerial authorities is resumed, detailing the current situation and evaluating specific aspects such as good practices in the management and protection of natural resources by companies, industries and individuals. that discharge residual waters in the hydrographic basins, or else, that make use of the hydrographic basin for human or industrial consumption. One of the effects of these provisions includes the resumption of the inventory of watershed users, which implies mandatory administrative registration for all companies, industries, and individual users that carry out activities in any of the country's watersheds. The inventory will help determine factors such as the level of water contamination, profile of activities that affect the basin, application of corrective and sanctioning measures for specific cases. Although the Government Agreement does not establish a specific term for the start of activities, we consider it prudent to anticipate any contingency and we take this opportunity to invite you to regularize compliance with environmental measures (if you have not already done so) or review your current mitigation measures to adapt.