International quality standards in food safety management FSSC 22000 Standard

By zone_admin | 24 de May de 2022 | Blog

FSSC 22000 is a Food Safety Management System certification scheme recognized by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative). It can be obtained by organizations that participate in the food chain processing or manufacturing animal products, perishable vegetables, with a long shelf life, food ingredients such as additives, vitamins and organic crops, as well as materials for food packaging.   Category of companies to which it applies : 
  • Perishable products for animals. 
  • Vegetable perishables. 
  • Processed foods and products with long shelf life at room temperature. 
  • (Bio)chemical manufacturing. 
  • Pet food. 
  • Food packaging manufacturing. 
FSSC 2000 implies a focus on food safety risk management throughout the supply chain, being  the result of the union of the ISO 220000 Food Safety Management Standard and PAS 220  (or ISO/TS 22002-1) , the scope has been extended to packaging through the inclusion of the new technical specification  PAS 223  (or ISO/TS 22002-4), the program of technical and design prerequisites for food safety in the manufacture and supply of food packaging .   In application of the standard, a series of Prerequisite Programs (PPR) must be established, which are described as basic conditions and activities that are necessary to maintain, throughout the entire food chain, an appropriate hygienic environment for the production, handling and provision of final products, taking into consideration the following: 
  • The construction and design of buildings and related facilities. 
  • Distribution of premises and work space. 
  • Supply of air, water, energy and other services. 
  • Waste disposal. 
  • The suitability, cleanliness and maintenance of the equipment.  
  • Management of purchased materials. 
  • Measures for the prevention of cross contamination. 
  • Cleaning and disinfection.  
  • Pest control.  
  • Personal hygiene and facilities for employees.  
  • Reprocessed. 
  • Product recall procedure. 
  • Storage. 
  • Consumer information/awareness. 
  • Food defense, biovigilance and bioterrorism. 
The Standard establishes a reference framework for food safety requirements through a  Food Safety Management System , the incorporation of  Good Practices , and  considers the principles for hazard analysis and critical control points ( HACCP ).   Benefits of an FSSC 22000 Certification 
  • Compliance with international food standards. 
  • Improves food safety. 
  • Optimizes the quality of your products and processes. 
  • Liability risk reduction. 
  • Increase in international market opportunities. 
  • Protect the brand. 
Why is FSSC 22000 important to your organization?  An FSSC 22000 certification demonstrates compliance with legal requirements and companies' commitment to identify, control and manage food safety risks, building trust with their business partners.   FSSC 22000 provides flexibility and being a standard based on the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) allows the company to integrate with other management systems already implemented within a company, such as ISO 9001 (Quality Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management).