Biosafety Guidelines for land cargo transportation in Central America

These guidelines were approved by the Council of Ministers of Economic Integration (COMIECO) and the Council of Ministers of Health of Central America and the Dominican Republic (COMISCA), with the following objectives:

  1. establish coordinated procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19,
  2. guarantee the health of cargo carriers,
  3. the cleaning and disinfection of means of transport and,
  4. the fluidity of trade.

1.1. Entry and Exit of the facilities of the land cargo transport company.

  1. a) Disinfection of general work areas and parking of means of transport.
  2. b) Disinfection of means of transport before and after each service/operation.
  3. c) The permanent use of the mask.
  4. d) Establish an inspection point for taking the temperature of all workers who enter the facilities, for which there must be a person responsible for taking the temperature with a digital infrared or laser clinical thermometer to avoid contact, the responsible person must be properly protected (surgical mask, glasses and disposable gloves).
  5. e) Maintain the recommended distances between people (between 1.5 and 2 meters).
  6. f) Use the shoe wash or footbath with a disinfectant solution.
  7. g) Install 70% alcohol-based hand gel alcohol dispensers in the entrance areas for hand disinfection.
  8. h) Workers who present a temperature above 37.5°C will not be able to enter the facilities, they must be referred to the corresponding health centers established by the authorities or call the corresponding competent authority.
  9. i) Wash hands with soap and water and/or disinfect with alcohol or hand sanitizer gel (70% alcohol-based) when entering or leaving the facilities.
  10. j) It is recommended that companies reorganize their operations in such a way that if they have drivers or pilots who present greater health risks (hypertension, diabetes, among other conditions that increase their vulnerability) they can assign them other functions within the company so as not to expose them during travel and reduce the risk of contagion.
  11. k) Drivers or pilots must comply with all health provisions before, during and after starting a trip.


  1. Disinfect your hands every time you enter and exit the means of transportation.
  2. Maintain a recommended safety distance (between 1.5 and 2 meters).
  3. Do not shake hands or any greeting that involves contact with another person.
  4. Perform constant personal hygiene, as well as washing utensils and clothes daily.
  5. Perform constant disinfection of cell phones, keys or other personal objects.
  6. Disinfect footwear with a disinfectant solution.
  7. Do not self-medicate; in case of presenting symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, dry cough or
  8. difficulty breathing) go immediately to the nearest health center or
  9. call the corresponding competent authority (or rapid attention line of the
  10. country).

1.2.1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  1. 70% alcohol-based hand gel
  2. Disposable gloves
  3. Surgical type mask
  4. Protective glasses or face shield

and. disinfectant liquid soap

  1. powder detergent
  2. Gallon-size container of drinking water
  3. Infrared or laser digital clinical thermometer for temperature taking

1.2.2. Use of supplies.

  1. Every official who exercises controls at land border posts and cargo transport workers must have basic biosafety supplies (mask, glasses, alcohol disinfectant gel and disposable gloves).
  2. Each person is responsible for the proper use of the same and the surveillance and monitoring of the use and good sanitary practices.
  3. Guarantee that all personnel use the required PPE, according to their work activity, to prevent the transmission of the virus as provided for in the national legislation of the Member States.
  4. Personal protective equipment will be appropriate to the activities and work to be carried out.

and. Guarantee that users periodically clean and disinfect their PPE, workers are responsible for its adequate disinfection.

  1. Request the replacement of the PPE when it is damaged, do not share for any reason.
  2. Put on the PPE before entering the facilities, the disposable PPE once used will be discarded using the appropriate techniques.
  3. Discard the disposable PPE, in the appropriate waste containers, labeled with the precise warnings.
  4. Wash hands with soap and water and/or disinfect with alcohol or disinfectant gel after removing PPE.
  5. The use of PPE is an essential requirement for those activities in which there is frequent and close contact with people.
  6. Wearing disposable gloves throughout the work day can generate a false sense of security and should not, for any reason, replace hand washing with soap and water or disinfection with disinfectant gel on a regular basis.
  8. All drivers or pilots and freight transport personnel must be trained not only to know what to do when a COVID-19 infection is suspected, but also to promote prevention measures.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone be trained in:

  1. Information about COVID-19, in particular about the symptoms, the incubation period and the modes of transmission of the virus.
  2. Epidemiological information on the affected areas.

iii. Information on disinfectants and proper hand hygiene.

  1. Information on how to proceed in case of symptoms.
  2. Informative materials.

saw. Information on fast service lines in each country.

  1. In case of presenting symptoms associated with COVID-19, the worker must follow the following recommendations:
  2. If you have symptoms such as cough, fever, sore throat and difficulty breathing; Go to the nearest health center or call the corresponding competent authority to request assistance or another mechanism determined by the competent authority.
  3. Follow the instructions provided by the health personnel by calling the corresponding competent authority (or the country’s hotline) or attending the health center.

iii. The decision to continue or not the trip of the pilot or driver will be made by the public health authorities in close coordination with the authorities that exercise control of the land border posts.

  1. The means of transport must be isolated in the previously enabled area, external and internal disinfection measures will be applied.
  2. In case of presenting symptoms when being at home, contact the direct boss to report them and determine not to show up to work as a preventive measure of contagion.

saw. In the event that medical disability is granted, the respective documentation must be presented, such as medication prescriptions and the recommendations to be followed.

2.1. General protocol for heads of workers :

  1. The work managers must have a log of the disinfected means of transport, responsible and schedule. This will serve as a means of verifying the biosecurity of the means of transport and the driver prior to departure.
  2. In the event that any driver or worker presents or reports symptoms in which they are suspected as likely suffering from COVID-19, the following must be done:
  3. Isolate the worker, provide a mask and avoid contact with other surfaces and other people; Likewise, identify the people with whom the infected personnel had contact to close the epidemiological circle.
  4. Maintain active lines of communication and arrange for medical care to be provided.
  5. Once this procedure is finished, carry out disinfection of all possible contaminated objects or surfaces that may have been in contact with the symptomatic worker, including the means of transport.
  6. If the worker has been in close contact with family members and people who have been in the same place with a confirmed case of COVID-19, they should not report to work and call the corresponding competent authority (or rapid assistance line in the country) to request assistance.

and. Workers suspected or sick of COVID-19, who work in activities and tasks that require direct contact with people (transport of goods), must be subjected to isolation.

  1. The transportation company must have replacement personnel to cover personnel absences due to COVID-19, which may previously be identified and notified in the observations field of the Single Central American Declaration (DUCA-T), at the time of its generation. .
  3. All freight forwarding employees must be trained not only to know what COVID-19 is and what to do when COVID-19 infection is suspected, but also to promote and implement prevention measures.
  4. Land freight transport companies will be responsible for training their staff or any person they hire to carry out international freight transport. In this sense, they must carry out training programs on the risks to which workers are exposed in organizations, centers and workplaces, emphasizing prevention and biological control measures.
  5. Land freight transport companies must have logbooks of the training given, and it is suggested that this include the following: date, training topics, training duration, list of participants, evaluations, evaluation results , corrective measures.
  6. Land freight transport companies will be responsible for training their staff or any person they contract to carry out international freight transport, in at least the following topics:
  7. Information about COVID-19, in particular about the symptoms, the incubation period and the modes of transmission of the virus.
  8. Epidemiological information on countries, regions and affected areas.

iii. Information on prevention measures, including information on disinfectants and proper hand hygiene.

  1. Information on how to proceed in case of symptoms.
  2. Information on the routes enabled for cargo transport.

saw. Information on the measures that the Member States are implementing to deal with COVID-19, according to the established route.

vii. Information on the disinfection of means of transport.

viii. Information on the contingency plans of the transport company, for any eventuality related to COVID-19 according to the established routes.

  1. Other related.

4.1. Hygienization of means of cargo transport

It is mandatory to wash and clean the means of transport with disinfectant before and after each route, considering the following measures:

  1. Surfaces must be cleaned with solutions recommended by international organizations and proven effective against COVID-19.
  2. Each worker who performs the cleaning must have their own utensils and they must be disinfected before and after use; avoid sharing with the rest of the workers.

4.2 . External cleaning of the means of transport and van

Prior to loading, the driver of the means of transport must wash it with soap and water on the outside (wheels, doors, bodywork in general, van) and use a disinfectant solution (Review list of recommended disinfectants)

4.3. Internal cleaning and care of the cabin

The driver must clean with a disinfectant solution, the use of gloves and a mask is essential, disinfect:

  1. Gear lever
  2. Steering wheel
  3. Contact controls while driving
  4. Seating

and. seat controls

  1. Tachograph or speedometer (including all the instruments that manipulate the


  1. Llavines
  2. Door latches
  3. Doors

4.4. OTHERS.

  1. Ventilate cabin regularly during movement, keep windows closed during inspections or checkpoints.
  2. The cabin of the means of transport must be occupied only by the driver (International Transport) and/or transport staff (transport staff is limited to national transport).
  3. Cash can be cleaned with the disinfectant solution.
  4. In the case of using credit or debit cards, carry out the disinfection process in the same way as in the case of using cash.

and. If you require the use of ATMs, disinfect your hands immediately with antibacterial gel.

  1. It is recommended to perform cleaning every four hours or according to the exposure of the cabin.

4.4.1. Internal Cleaning of the Van

The Driver and/or transport personnel must clean the interior of the van and observe the following:

  1. The means of transport is in good clean conditions and has been disinfected.
  2. Eliminate residues from previous shipments (food, chemical compounds, etc.)
  3. The closure of doors, curtains and other openings with closing mechanisms.
  4. It is suggested to implement a simple handwashing system in the means of transport with disinfectant soap, for the exclusive use of the driver after he has to carry out procedures or records at checkpoints or others.

4.4.2 Waste management

  1. Each means of transport must always carry disposable bags to discard handkerchiefs and personal protective equipment, said bag must be removed on each trip that it makes, properly closed, depositing it later in the corresponding garbage cans, pedal-opening garbage cans are recommended.
  2. All disposable biosafety material (PPE, bags, etc.) or possible source of contagion (handkerchiefs, cleaning items, etc.) must be kept in a different deposit from the regular waste and must be closed with a double bag with a zip closure. bag to later deposit in the places designated for the disposal of biosafety material.
  4. To safeguard the integrity of the people involved in the loading and unloading process at the different points, it is recommended:
  5. That all personnel involved in the operations of the cargo transport company have the mandatory biosafety equipment (gloves, face shield or glasses, masks and alcohol disinfectant gel).
  6. Epidemiological surveillance at the loading and unloading point taking temperature and symptom control. If the driver presents any symptoms or a temperature greater than 37.5°C, as long as he is not exposed to sources of heat prior to taking the temperature, he will be sent to the nearest health center.

iii. Clean the means of transport on the outside (tires, wagon, doors, curtains and cabin) and inside (cabin and wagon), prior to loading.

  1. Carry out the loading and unloading in a mechanized way, after the use of said machinery it must be properly cleaned and disinfected.
  2. Close the doors/curtain of the car. At no time will the driver or transport personnel have contact with the merchandise/product, in cases where the transport is for the transfer of cargo, for those drivers or personnel who fulfill the functions of cargo personnel (such as distributors). they must handle the load observing the biosafety guidelines.

5.1. Before loading goods

The driver(s) and transportation personnel must:

  1. Verify that the means of transport is in good clean conditions and that it has been disinfected if necessary.
  2. Check that there are no residues from previous shipments left in the means of transport.
  3. Verify that there are no residues of chemical cleaning or disinfection compounds.
  4. Check that the closure of doors and other openings with locking mechanisms.

5.2. During loading of goods

The driver or pilot and transport personnel must:

  1. Verify that there are no breaks or deterioration in the packaging or products.
  2. Verify that the product is protected from dust, humidity or other types of dirt.
  3. Avoid contact with the floor and walls of the cargo area or the means of transport.
  4. Check that the means of transport does not include objects or substances other than those authorized in the documents issued by the shipper.

and. Prevent personnel other than cargo or animals from entering the means of transport.

  1. Verify that the load is accommodated in such a way as to reduce its exposure to the environment and with an appropriate location according to its temperature requirements.
  2. Carry out the disinfection process of the contact areas every four (4) hours.
  3. The loading procedure must be carried out in the shortest possible time.

5.3 During the transfer of goods

The driver or pilot and transport personnel must:

  1. Clean all frequently touched surfaces (doors, rudder, lever, dashboard, etc.) described in the instructions regarding internal cabin cleaning. It is recommended to carry out this measure at least every 4 hours or immediately when there is possible contact with another person outside the cabin other than the driver or transport personnel.
  2. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or with hand sanitizer gel (70% alcohol-based).
  3. Avoid touching your face. If necessary (eg cleaning sweat) wash hands prior to contact with the face and after it.
  4. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing with your elbow or with a disposable handkerchief that will be thrown away after use.

and. The driver or transport personnel must use the mask and gloves if they have to get off the means of transport.

  1. Before entering the means of transport again, shoes must be disinfected with a disinfectant solution and hands cleaned with alcohol in disinfectant gel.
  2. In transit in the means of transport it is not necessary to wear a mask if you drive alone in it.
  3. Feeding must be done in your means of transport, avoiding staying in places with crowds of people and ensuring hand hygiene with soap and water or hand disinfectant gel (70% alcohol-based). Eating with gloves on should be avoided.
  4. A maximum of two people is allowed in the cabin for the transport of national cargo, for international trips only the driver will be allowed.
  5. Maintain the recommended safety distance between people when making planned stops.

5.4. During unloading of goods

The driver or pilot and transport personnel must:

  1. At the unloading point prior to entering the facilities, clean the outside of the means of transport.
  2. Have the mandatory biosafety equipment applicable to all personnel involved, with emphasis on unloading and transportation personnel.
  3. At the loading and unloading point, guarantee epidemiological surveillance, taking temperature measurements and controlling symptoms.
  4. The driver will disinfect contact areas such as: hands, shoes, keys, padlocks, doors, curtains, etc. according to the protocol described above.

and. At the time of unloading the product, the driver must keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from the unloading personnel, the driver may not unload any product, except for those drivers who comply with the loading and unloading functions .

  1. If documents are required to be signed, the driver must use their own pencil or encourage the electronic exchange of these documents.
  2. Only the driver may close the curtains and/or doors of the means of transport.
  3. Companies must establish what measures to take in the event that the cargo or merchandise is rejected.

5.5. Recommendations in route planning.

  1. Land freight transport companies must identify workers with vulnerabilities and risk factors together with health services and evaluate those workers with certain health conditions, which are considered to be at risk for exposure to COVID-19, and establish the corresponding measures. of isolation.
  2. Routes must be planned to identify and define the places where stops will be made (for example: for rest, use of toilets, dining rooms or cafeterias), which comply with biosafety requirements. Trying to make as few stops as possible.
  3. In the rest periods according to the scheduled stops during the tour, restrict the intake of food (preferably bring your own) and sleep inside the means of transport in the compartment designed for that purpose or in the hotel assigned by the competent authority. All material that enters the transport medium cabin must be disinfected in a 70% pure alcohol solution.
  4. Plan with clients the loading/unloading of goods in the most precise way to avoid the accumulation of several carriers at the same time.

and. Establish alternative forms of merchandise delivery and receipt documents (delivery notes) by electronic means to avoid personal contact.

  1. Avoid cash as much as possible, it is advisable to manage the payment or per diem by electronic means.
  2. In the driver’s cabin it is recommended to keep a properly stocked first aid kit.
  3. Provide a fumigation pump for the disinfection of each means of transport (tires and wagon), without limiting the corresponding washing of the means.
  4. If it is necessary to handle documentation, use your own pen to sign documents.
  5. Provide a personal hygiene kit for each carrier, water, soap and hand sanitizer gel (70% alcohol-based), disposable tissues, etc.
  6. The transport company must provide the necessary PPE to its personnel (disposable gloves, glasses and mask).
  7. The individualized use of means of transporting loads is recommended, as well as utensils used for daily work.
  8. Every freight transport worker must avoid manipulating the merchandise that he transports. In situations where this activity is part of your duties or in situations where such manipulation is necessary, you must comply with the required protection and prevention measures, which includes at least washing and disinfecting your hands before and after the handling and use of adequate PPE (disposable gloves, glasses and mask). Additionally, aid must be guaranteed to avoid the handling of merchandise as much as possible (forklifts and other hauling equipment).

6.1. buildings and facilities

The surfaces of the buildings and other facilities of the land border posts must be cleaned frequently, in accordance with the International Protocols approved by the WHO and the Ministries of Health.

6.2. Transport.

  1. External disinfection of the means of transport is recommended before entering the border post, with solutions recommended by international organizations, verifying that the pilot or driver has biosafety personal protective equipment such as: 70% alcohol-based hand gel %, gloves, face masks or masks, face shield or glasses.
  2. In addition, the competent authority must verify that:
  3. The means of transport is in good clean conditions and has been disinfected.
  4. That there are no residues from previous shipments (food, chemical compounds, etc.)
  5. The closure of doors, curtains and other openings with closing mechanisms.
  6. It is suggested to implement simple hand washing systems in the means of transport, for the exclusive use of the driver after he has to carry out procedures or records at checkpoints or others.

New regulations require companies to quantify and publish their carbon emissions globally.

Over the last few months there has been a huge increase in environmental compliance duties globally , to the point where, in the near future, all companies listed on international stock exchanges would have to publish their greenhouse gas emissions and explain the initiatives they are taking to reduce them.

The most notable recent news is the regulation proposal issued by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 21, 2022. If this regulation is approved, it would oblige all companies listed on the United States stock exchange, to be published:

  • Your greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The environmental goals that the company has, including the dates and the process to meet them.
  • The experience and role of the members of the Board of Directors to face the challenges of climate change.
  • Determine the risks that climate change may have on the company.

Despite the huge impact its approval would have, the SEC’s proposed rule is only part of a global trend that points to greater involvement by companies to fight climate change.

According to the OECD , 15 G20 countries have regulations that require companies to publish environmental reports on a regular basis and require the quantification of carbon emissions. Among them, the United Kingdom and Japan have been reforming their regulatory schemes so that, as of April 2022, more and more companies are obliged to publish reports on their shares and their exposure to climate change.

For its part, the European Union, which already requires large companies and financial entities to report the way they handle social and environmental challenges, proposed new rules that would expand the scope of this regulation so that it applies to all companies listed on the stock exchange. , or that meet certain size and income parameters.

Implications of international environmental compliance duties for Latin America :

The aforementioned regulation, despite coming from other countries, will have a great impact on Latin America, since the duties of publishing information related to climate change usually include the subsidiaries that companies from said countries have in the rest of the world.

Additionally, it is estimated that these duties will fall indirectly on local businesses, since it is expected that companies from countries such as the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom choose suppliers that meet these standards, in order to facilitate regulatory compliance and achievement of the emission reduction goals of its operations.

Greater value will be given to companies that already have experience demonstrating their emission reduction:

Due to the high scrutiny that companies in the United States and Europe have received regarding the transparency and accuracy of their reports on climate change, large companies will prioritize providers that have the most experience reporting their emissions transparently.

In the last decade, lawsuits related to climate change have increased exponentially, and many of these have had to do with the information that companies have published regarding their climate footprint and proposed reduction plans.

Global trends in climate change litigation: 2021

Additionally, 58% of the judicial cases mentioned have obtained sentences ordering greater transparency and action by companies and governments to face climate change. In contrast, only 32% of the cases have obtained unfavorable sentences for organizations that advocate for climate action.

Faced with such clear figures, it is to be expected that the top managers of the companies will make great efforts to ensure that all the actors in their business chain comply with the new standards.

We are at a stage where companies must pay more attention to their environmental impacts, not only to have a better image before the public, but also to comply with new regulations to combat climate change, whose trend is clearly increasing.  

As has happened throughout history, changes in standards present great opportunities for companies that are prepared to adopt them and even take advantage of them, but they also pose great risks for those businesses that do not adapt to the new market conditions.

Main changes of the new regulation for fuel storage in Costa Rica

This October, the Regulations for the authorization and registration of stationary tanks for self-consumption of fuels (Decree 42497-MINAE-S ) entered into force, which modifies the necessary requirements to have fuel storage tanks for self-consumption.

The main considerations to take into account regarding this regulation are the following:

  1. What type of tanks does it apply to?

As its name indicates, this regulation applies only to stationary tanks for self-consumption of fuel. That is, only those that are installed in a fixed site, are filled in the same place and that use is for internal consumption.

Unlike the previous regulations, the duties of this regulation apply to all fixed self-consumption tanks, regardless of their size. Therefore, those people who have self-consumption tanks that did not require authorization due to their size, have the duty to register them with the General Directorate of Fuel Transportation and Marketing (DGTCC) before February 14, 2022.

  • What are the requirements to obtain authorization?

To obtain the authorization and registration of a tank, you must fill out the digital form provided by MINAE, accompanied by the following information:

  1. Image of the Technical Sheet of the tank.
  • In the case of a used tank that does not have a technical sheet, a ” mechanical integrity study ” must be provided that supports the use that will be given to the container. Said study must be carried out by an architect or engineer incorporated into their respective professional association.
  • Technical inspection report, with no more than 6 months, carried out by the Fire Department or by a collegiate engineer or architect. Said report must have photographic support and indicate that the tank complies with current legal and technical standards in terms of prevention, human safety and fire protection.
  • How long does the procedure take?

The procedure for registration and authorization by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) has a maximum term of one month.

Within this period, the DGTCC analyzes the documentation provided and if everything is in order, it will recommend the authorization of the tanks to the MINAE Minister. In the event that the information presented by the applicant does not comply with what is required, the DGTCC must inform the applicant of the inconsistency and grant 10 business days for its correction.

  • How long is the MINAE authorization valid for?

The authorization of fuel tanks is valid for 5 years. For its renewal, the digital form and a technical inspection report must be presented again in the same terms as the one required to process the tank permit for the first time.

  • Breach

The operation of a stationary self-consumption tank without the conditions described above, can generate an order to remove the tank, which if not complied with can cause the non-renewal of the sanitary operating permit, the suspension of activities until the situation, and even the opening of sanctioning procedures for contempt of authority.

Despite the fact that this regulation establishes new obligations for smaller self-consumption tanks, the procedure and the requirements are simpler and clearer than those contemplated in the previous regulations. This, together with a digital procedure that will facilitate its supervision and control, constitute efforts by the authorities to simplify the regulatory compliance of companies for the handling of dangerous substances.

The rules that will govern the prohibition of the Stereophone in Costa Rica are issued

This week the Regulations to the Law that prohibits expanded polystyrene (stereophone) were published, which lists the exceptions through which products containing said material may be marketed, as follows:

  1. Expanded polystyrene products expressly excluded from the ban:
  • Packaging for household appliances and the like.
  • industrial uses. The regulation does not specify what should be understood as such.
  • Uses in personal protective equipment (Ex: Helmets)
  • Floating equipment for aquatic rescue.
  •  Uses as thermal or acoustic insulation.
  • Secondary packaging that does not have direct contact with the substance or packaging for vaccines and medicines.
  •  Packaging or packaging for products that meet particular medical needs for food, infant formula, and dietary supplements, that do not have direct contact with food.
  • Products used as finishes in construction projects, in which the material is immobilized during the useful life of the building and is required for its functionality.
  • Products whose importer or producer is responsible for their correct final disposal.

In addition to the products indicated in the previous title, any expanded polystyrene packaging that does not have direct contact with its content will be marketed, provided that its importer or producer has a collection system that allows its use of energy, recycling or destruction through a waste manager authorized by the Ministry of Health.

For this, the provisions of the Regulation for the Declaration of Special Management Waste must be followed , regarding the compliance units made up of the companies that must ensure the correct management of the waste generated by their products.  

  • When there are no viable alternative materials from the environmental point of view.

Another exception to the prohibition applies to those products that for reasons of conservation or protection of the content, the use of alternative materials is not environmentally viable.

To opt for this exception, an application must be submitted to the Directorate of Radiological Protection and Environmental Health of the Ministry of Health, indicating the type of product in question, the packaging materials and detailing the risk that would be generated in the event that it is not will use expanded polystyrene, for the environment, the user or third parties.

The Ministry of Health will have a period of 10 business days to approve exception requests and these will be valid for 2 years.

Finally, it must be taken into account that this regulation develops what is established in the Law for the prohibition of expanded polystyrene , which will come into force in August 2021.

Trend towards occupational health compliance

A large part of the health regulations issued in 2020 are focused on the protection of employees
during their working hours. Therefore, one of the aspects that became more relevant at the
beginning of this decade is the growing attention to compliance with health and safety
regulations in the company.
Since the beginning of 2020, authorities worldwide have been much more vigilant about
compliance with health regulations, which is why they have increased inspections of company
facilities to verify that employees are working under adequate health and safety conditions.
security. Although these inspections are intended to prevent the transmission of diseases, once
the officers are in inspection, they usually audit compliance with other standards that are equally
In Costa Rica, the regulations for the protection of the health and safety of employees place
special emphasis on companies being diligent in the prevention of risks at work. For this reason,
companies that manage to demonstrate the correct implementation of an occupational health
and safety compliance program, even when accidents occur, manage to avoid sanctions that
can go as far as the cancellation of permits and the closure of activities.
On the other hand, companies with processes that ensure the safety of their employees tend to
have a much better business image and experience fewer incidents that delay operations.
Among the main elements to have an effective occupational health and safety program, we find:
 The identification of the health and safety standards that regulate each of the processes and
the ways to comply with them.
 Communicate compliance duties so that they are accessible to all members of the
 Constant training on behaviors that ensure compliance with the rules.

 Establish communication mechanisms that favor the reporting of irregularities and
opportunities for improvement.
 The constant verification of compliance, through previously defined processes.
 Commitment to compliance by all levels of the organization.
 Periodic evaluation and updating of legal regulations and other applicable standards.
 The possibility of verifying the application of the program over time.

Environmental compliance A duty and an opportunity

The environmental side of a compliance system :

Environmental protection and sustainable practices are now an essential standard that every company must have, being responsible with the environment has become yet another business product for companies, which generates tangible benefits such as increased sales, revaluation of the mark and reduction of sanctions.

Companies that apply policies, processes and actions to ensure compliance with regulations related to the environment have recognized that they not only strengthen their compliance programs in the face of a large number of risks; rather, this exercise has allowed them to discover opportunities to reduce operating costs, while reducing their environmental impact.

Benefits of an effective environmental compliance program :

  1. Reputational and sales : Consumers and business partners place greater value on brands that have demonstrated their commitment to complying with environmental laws and operating sustainably.

In Costa Rica, as in many other countries, environmental standards have been incorporated into public purchases, such as the prohibition of purchasing single-use plastic products and the favoring of recycled raw materials.

  • Cost reduction : Compliance with environmental regulations is usually linked to proper management of resources such as water, electricity, physical space and waste reduction, all of which contribute to a reduction in regular costs for companies.
  •  Legal defense against incidents : The successful application of procedures focused on respecting environmental regulations has been accepted by the authorities as proof to reduce the legal responsibility of companies in the event of environmental incidents.

In contrast, the authorities usually sanction more severely those companies that over time have shown themselves to be indifferent to complying with environmental regulations.

Risks of not having an effective environmental compliance program :

Internationally it has been understood that the responsibility for damage to the environment falls on the companies that caused it, including their owners, especially in Costa Rica, the ” Wildlife Conservation Law ” establishes that companies that are part of it are also responsible. conglomerate (economic interest group), so the parent company of a company domiciled in Costa Rica can be held responsible for the environmental breaches of its subsidiary.

Lastly, the growing international efforts to combat challenges such as climate change, water scarcity and marine pollution are increasingly increasing the interest of the authorities and society in general in ensuring that companies comply with the best environmental sustainability practices. Therefore, having environmental compliance programs will be an increasingly valuable resource.
