Law of Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation in Costa Rica

April, 2018

By: Luis Palacios, Zone Environmental Consultant

On February 6, 2018, Law 9518 on Incentives and Promotion for Electric Transportation came into force, which seeks to promote, through economic and practical incentives, the use of electric cars in the country. This will help reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in transportation, which is currently the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions in Costa Rica.

With this regulatory measure, the fundamental duty of promoting new technologies for the efficient use of natural resources and protection of the environment, which the State had previously acquired through the Organic Law of the Environment (articles 4 and 58) and the Biodiversity Law (in its chapter VIII).

Some of these benefits are still subject to further development by public, private and financial institutions. However, the Law specifically establishes the following incentives that operate with its entry into force:

  1. Tax exemption applied on the value of the vehicle, as follows:
Valor CIF  Ventas  Selectivo de consumo  Impuesto sobre el valor aduanero 
Los primeros $30.000 del valor CIF  100% exoneración  100% exoneración  100% exoneración 
De $30.001 hasta $45.000 del valor CIF  50% exoneración  75% exoneración  100% exoneración 
De $45.001 hasta $60.000 del valor CIF  0% exoneración  50% exoneración  100% exoneración 
De $60.001 en adelante  0% exoneración  0% exoneración  0% exoneración 

This exemption will operate for a period of 5 years from its entry into force.

    1. Spare parts related to the operation of the electric motor and the batteries of electric vehicles will be exempt from the sales tax and the selective consumption tax.
    2. If the vehicle is made in Costa Rica, the equipment for the assembly and production of electric vehicles will be exempt from the total payment of the sales tax for 10 years. The Law establishes that the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) and the Ministry of Finance will make a list of equipment subject to this exemption.
    3. On the payment of vehicle property tax, which constitutes 65.59% of what is paid by MARCHAMO, exemptions will be applied as follows:
Año  Exoneración de pago de impuesto. 
Primero.  100% 
Segundo  80% 
Tercero  60% 
Cuarto  40% 
Quinto  20% 
  1. Exemption for 5 years from the total payment of the selective consumption tax, the general sales tax and the one percent tax on the customs value, to the parts necessary for the installation of the recharging centers.
  2. Electric vehicles that bear the badge issued by MINAE will not be subject to the vehicular traffic restriction in the San José metropolitan area.
  3. Electric vehicles will be able to park in the preferential spaces designated as blue that will be created in public parking lots, supermarkets, shopping centers and other private parking lots. These parking lots do not substitute or replace the parking lots for people with special mobility conditions regulated in Law 7600.

Other incentives

In addition to the directly applicable incentives mentioned above, the Law contemplates other benefits that must be developed by the competent authorities and its application would entail multiple benefits for those who decide to take the step to use means of transport that are more considerate of the environment.

Parking meters: The Law previously authorizes the Municipalities to establish exemptions from the payment of parking meters for electric vehicles.

Public fleet and tenders: The evaluation of tenders and direct competitive purchases must give an additional 10% to bidders who, under equal conditions, demonstrate that the products offered are electrical.

Electric public transport : The National Plan for Electric Transport must project the replacement of the bus fleet, at least every two years, with a goal within this period of not less than 5% of replaced units.

With regard to taxis, those who wish to replace their carbureted vehicles with electric vehicles, will be able to enjoy the same benefits indicated in the law, as well as use a distinctive color defined by the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT). Likewise, when the MOPT starts new taxi concession processes, it will be required that at least 10% of the concessions be granted to electric vehicles.

Recharging stations : To supply energy to vehicles, MINAE will have the obligation to ensure the construction and operation of recharging centers, which must be built and operate at least every 80 kilometers on national highways, and every 120 kilometers on roads. cantonal.

Also, MINAE and MOPT are delegated to issue guidelines for the implementation of recharging centers for electric vehicles in shopping centers and public parking lots.

Mechanics and technical workforce : The National Training Institute (INA) must create channels for the education and training of human resources that can be professionally developed in the maintenance and repair of electric vehicles and their parts. For this, the INA can subcontract chambers, private companies and universities.

On the other hand, the Law requires importers of electric vehicles to provide repair and overhaul services for this type of vehicle, as well as to take care of the correct management of the waste generated by said vehicles. With this, it seeks to deal with one of the most delicate aspects of electrical technologies, which is precisely the waste generated by energy storage devices.

Financing Facilities : Perhaps one of the fields where the law leaves more room for further development is the financing of electric transportation. However, the law takes a step forward by establishing that the financing of electric transportation must be part of development banking projects, and also empowers the National Banking System to implement financing lines for this mode of transportation; These lines will include facilities in their terms, interest rate, guarantees and procedures, as long as they do not represent risky situations for the entities.

Finally, we believe that although there are still aspects to be developed, this Law constitutes a great advance in the fight to convert Costa Rica into a carbon neutral country and its application could greatly benefit the environment.

New Regulation for the drilling of wells and use of groundwater in Costa Rica

On Friday, September 10, the new Regulation for the drilling of wells and use of groundwater was published , which is already in force. Below, we share the most important aspects of the regulation.

Regulation for the authorization of a well

  1. The WATER DIRECTORATE assumes the role of single window for drilling procedures and will give a hearing to SENARA and the AYA. This means that it will no longer be necessary to go to SENARA for the registration of wells, but rather that everything will be done under the procedure instructed by the WATER DIRECTORATE.
  2. The regulation defines the powers of each of the institutions involved:
  • The AYA is only responsible for ruling on the impact of an eventual drilling towards the water sources operated by the AYA or the ASADAS under its control.
  • The WATER DIRECTORATE is responsible for resolving the drilling permit for exploratory purposes. In addition, it is responsible for analyzing and defining the interference between wells and bodies of water and issuing a recommendation to MINAE on the granting of the concession.
  • SENARA, once the well has been drilled, is responsible for deciding on its final conditions (depth, diameter, casing, sanitary seals) in relation to the characterization of the aquifer.
  1. It is established that, for wells in the condominium self-supply modality, drilling must be carried out within the condominium and in a common area.
  2. The drilling procedure will be carried out in conjunction with the concession request, so from that moment on, the amount of water to be requested and its uses must be clear.
  3. The drilling request can only be made by the owner or possessor of the land.
  4. The term for granting the drilling permit is 7 business days.
  5. The drilling site may be located within a maximum margin of +20 meters from the authorized point.
  6. The drilling must be carried out within a month after the permit is granted, the extension of this period must be requested 10 days in advance.
  7. Both the drilling report and the pumping test must be submitted within 10 days of drilling:
  • If the concession is for population use or condominium self-supply, the pumping test must last 72 hours.
  • For any other use, the test will be up to 24 hours. The wording implies that the period may be shorter. 
  1. It is established that the protection radius of 40 meters of the wells must not go beyond the boundaries of the property. Therefore, no well may be drilled within 40 meters of the property limits.
  2. Saline Intrusion: The WATER DIRECTORATE will no longer request saline intrusion studies for any well that is less than 1 km from the sea. But if, based on various technical criteria, it concludes that there is a risk of saline intrusion, it will request the concessionaire to submit quarterly water quality reports. Said duty would be notified in the resolution granting the concession.
  3. After all the studies are presented and the edicts are published, the WATER DIRECTORATE has one month to resolve the authorization of the well.

Regulation for the Underground Water Concession.

  1. The concession process for the use of water will begin only when the WATER DIRECTORATE considers the well enabled.
  2. A concession request for a property other than the one where the drilling is located is allowed: in the event that the property where the drilling is located does not correspond to that of the exploitation, authorization from the owner of the land where the water will be collected must be provided. . This does not apply when the request is for the supply of water for human consumption by the population.
  3. It is established that the Water Directorate must issue the project granting the concession for the signature of MINAE, within a period of one month after the technical recommendation is issued. However, no deadline is set for the issuance of this technical recommendation.
  4. MINAE has a legal term to approve the concession of one month after receiving the draft resolution from the WATER DIRECTORATE.

Recycling duties increase for consumers and businesses in Costa Rica

Recently, Law 10031 entered into force, which modified the General Law for Comprehensive Waste Management (LGIR), expanding the recycling duties of the population in general and of companies that produce goods whose recycling is determined as a priority.

Let us remember that according to the LGIR, the application of the 3 R scheme (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) is mandatory for the entire population, since article 43 of the Law establishes that it is the duty of every person or company:

  • Reduce waste generation whenever possible.
  • Separate waste from its source, classify it and deliver it to an authorized manager. In the case of domestic waste, it must be delivered to the Municipality, also separately for recovery.

Under the new reform, these duties are reinforced through the new article 24, which establishes that all potentially recoverable waste must be used for that purpose. In particular, the new text of the Law creates the classification of “priority products” and establishes that the producers of these must guarantee the collection of the waste generated from them, free of charge and without the collection depending on the purchase of another product.

According to the Law, the priority products are:

  • a) Lubricating oils.
  • b) Electrical and electronic devices.
  • c) Batteries.
  • d) Tires.
  • e) batteries.

For their part, consumers of this type of product have the duty to separate priority waste from all other waste and deliver it to the places designated by the municipalities or their producers.

The practical application of this type of duties entails various challenges, but for this the Law provides for the possibility of adopting economic mechanisms such as deposit and reimbursement systems or collection schemes for waste collection services based on the generation of each person, which they can serve as economic incentives for recycling.

Finally, it should be noted that the correct management of waste is of vital importance for the conservation of ecosystems, the fight against climate change and even the implementation of a circular economy where the production costs of goods and services are reduced by use waste as raw material.

Amendment to article 50 of the Political Constitution of Costa Rica

Recently, the bill for the ” addition of a paragraph to article 50 of the Political Constitution to recognize and guarantee the human right of access to water ” was presented to the Legislative Assembly, which has the signature of all the deputies and seeks to be reaffirmed. , but this time in the constitutional text, that access to water is a fundamental right and that human life depends on it.

According to the proposal of the bill, the text to be added to the Political Constitution would be:

  • Second paragraph of article 50:

“ Every person has the human, basic and inalienable right of access to drinking water, as an essential good for life. Water is a good of the Nation, essential to protect such a human right. Its use, conservation and exploitation will be governed by what is established by the law that will be created for these purposes, and the supply of drinking water for consumption by people and populations will have priority .”

  • New transitory provision:

“ The current laws, concessions and permits for use, granted in accordance with the law, as well as the rights derived from them, remain in force until a new law that regulates the use, exploitation and conservation of water enters into force .”

The following can be deduced from the quoted text:

  1. The human right of access to water is expressly recognized and it is clarified that it is a good on which life depends.
  2. Constitutional recognition is given to the public domain of water, whose purpose is the protection of the right to life.
  3. When exploiting the water resource, priority will be given to domestic/population use.
  4. Until new regulations are issued, the current laws, regulations, concessions and other permits remain in force.

These aspects that are intended to be added to the Constitution are already part of the current legal system and from a practical point of view they would not change the current regulation, as we explain below:

Regarding the first point, the constitutional recognition of the human right to water and sanitation; In the explanatory memorandum of the project itself, the Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly number A-64-L.63-Rev is indicated, which had the favorable vote of Costa Rica, where it is recognized that “…the right to drinking water and sanitation as a human right essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights ”.

As we can see, there is already a global consensus on its character as a human right, which must also be considered included in our constitution in accordance with the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Chamber:

“ The Chamber recognizes, as part of the Law of the Constitution, a fundamental right to drinking water, derived from the fundamental rights to health, life, a healthy environment, food and decent housing, among others, such as international instruments on human rights applicable in Costa Rica have also been recognized ” [1]

Regarding the second point, tending to the recognition of water as an asset of the Nation, article 50 of the Organic Law of the Environment establishes that water is in the public domain and that its conservation and sustainable use are of social interest.

Regarding the priority use of water for consumption by people and populations, said scheme of preferential use of water has existed in the country since 1942, since the Water Law establishes in its article 27 the following:

“Article 27.- In the concession of special uses of public waters, the following order of preference will be observed :

I.- Pipes for populations whose control is in charge of the Secretary of Public Health;

II.- Supply of populations, domestic services, drinking troughs, dairies and bathrooms ;

III.- Supply of railways and means of transport;

IV.- Development of hydraulic or hydroelectric forces for public services;

V.- Coffee mills, sugar mills, mills and other factories;

VI.- Irrigation;

VII.- Development of hydraulic or hydroelectric forces for private services;

VIII.- Navigation channels; Y

IX.- Ponds for nurseries.

Within each class, the most important and useful companies will be preferred; and in equal circumstances, those who previously had requested the use, without responsibility of any kind in charge of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.”

Therefore, the proposed Reform would give constitutional status to such order of priority in the use of water, which would prevent a reform of the Water Law from modifying it, but would not change the current regulatory framework.

The fourth and last aspect refers to the transitory provision that clarifies that until there is a legal reform, the regulations, permits and concessions in force remain the same. Additionally, in the statement of reasons, the proposing deputies explain:

“ Additionally, it is proposed to introduce a new Transitory article in order to clarify that the approval of this reform does not repeal the current laws on water concessions, nor the concessions or use permits duly granted according to law. 

Said concessions and permits will remain valid as long as they have been legally granted and their holders comply with the requirements and obligations established in national legislation. The current rules that regulate water permits and concessions will remain in force until the Legislative Assembly enacts a law that regulates the use, exploitation and conservation of water .”

Thus, it is clear that the present reform tries rather to reaffirm the importance of water resources and to ratify the commitment that the entire country must have in caring for water.

Despite the foregoing, establishing in the constitutional text schemes of preference in the use of water, although this is not new, may give rise to a greater number of conflicts related to the allocation of water concessions, going to be presented before the Constitutional Room. In our opinion, this is not a positive scenario, since the Constitutional Chamber is a centralized entity, located in San José and with a limited number of officials, mostly lawyers, but even so, it would be called upon to hear conflicts from very diverse locations in the country, with the aggravating circumstance that their sentences would contain binding criteria for the other public institutions.

Water resource management is obviously a very technical matter. Additionally, from an integrated management perspective, the best way to regulate the management of water resources is at the basin level, that is, decisions are made with reference to the basin in particular.

This does not mean that the Chamber is going to be directly involved in the granting of concessions. Being an issue developed by infra-constitutional norms, the Constitutional Chamber should avoid hearing controversies of this nature, based on the fact that it is a conflict of legality; however, as a scheme of priority uses of water is recognized at the constitutional level, we find it very likely that the Chamber will be increasingly inclined to hear this type of controversy. This situation, which we reiterate, would not be ideal, as it is such a centralized and non-technical entity, whose criteria are mandatory for all other State officials.

[1] Constitutional Chamber. Vote No. 200412263, of October 29, 2004.

Prohibition of Straws and Plastic Bags in Costa Rica

Law number 9786 to Combat Plastic Pollution and Protect the Environment was recently published in the newspaper La Gaceta, which will come into force 6 months after its publication and whose regulations seek a drastic reduction in the consumption of single-use plastic items in the country and its subsequent recycling, in accordance with the principles of a circular economy.

A circular economy is one where the waste from our consumer products is used as inputs for the production of other goods and services. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to follow the 3R Scheme : 1) Reduce the amount of waste that is produced, 2) Reuse all the materials that we can and 3) Recycle that waste whose generation was unavoidable

For this reason, the new Law, which is a necessary tool to deal with the prolonged pollution generated by plastic, contains provisions for the reduction, reuse and recycling of plastic-based products:

Reduction of plastic waste generation :

  • Prohibition of Plastic Straws : 12 months after the regulation of this law has been issued, the sale or free delivery of single-use plastic straws throughout the national territory will be prohibited. However, the straws that are included in the product packaging may continue to be marketed for the next 3 years.

Additionally, it is recognized that the Ministry of Health may establish exceptions under technical criteria.

  • Prohibition of Plastic Bags : the sale or free delivery of plastic bags in commercial premises is prohibited. This ban will come into effect 12 months after the issuance of the regulation.

Plastic bags made to be reused and have a low environmental impact certification issued by the Costa Rican Accreditation Entity are exempt from this prohibition, provided they meet the following characteristics:

Size environmental characteristics
Small : 45 cm. wide x 60 cm long and a minimum thickness of 0.75 thousandths of an inch. Made with at least 50% reprocessed material.
Medium : 52 cm. wide x 68 cm long and a minimum thickness of 0.88 thousandths of an inch. Made with at least 50% reprocessed material.
Biodegradable bags of any size.
  • Ecological purchases by the State : from now on it is prohibited for public institutions and companies, including municipalities, to purchase single-use plastic items, including plates, glasses, forks, knives, spoons , disposable straws and stirrers and others used mainly for food consumption.

Said institutions will be able to acquire reusable, recyclable products or with some additive that reduces the consumption of materials of fossil origin. Likewise, there is the possibility that future exceptions may be declared when so defined by the Ministry of Health based on technical criteria or when a state of emergency is declared.

  • Duty to encourage reuse: Establishes the duty of commercial establishments to encourage their customers to transport the items purchased in their own packaging, cloth bags, boxes and other reusable containers.


Reuse of waste :

The prohibitions on the sale or free delivery of plastic products only apply to single-use plastic products, while companies are urged to carry out recovery and reuse programs for the plastic products they sell.


Public institutions and companies are authorized to purchase single-use plastic products, provided that they are recyclable or have been previously recycled.

The obligation is imposed on everyone who sells plastic bottles or products contained in them, that after 12 months after the publication of the regulations of this law, they comply with at least one of the following measures that are detailed below:

  • That the commercialized plastic bottle is produced with recycled resin at a percentage that must be defined by regulation.
  • Establish a program for the recovery, reuse, recycling, energy use or other means of recovery of the waste derived from the products they market. The implementation parameters of these programs will be defined in future regulations.
  • Participate in a program for comprehensive waste management that may be organized by sector or by the waste generated.
  • In the case of producers, make products or use containers or packaging that, due to their design, manufacturing or use characteristics, minimize the generation of waste and facilitate its recovery, or allow its disposal in the least harmful way for health and the environment. environment.
  • Establish strategic alliances with at least one municipality to improve comprehensive waste collection and management systems.

Plastic bottles that contain inputs necessary for agricultural production are exempt from these obligations.

  • All businesses that sell single-use plastic products must have separate containers or receivers to deposit reusable and non-reusable plastic waste, in order to later treat them correctly.

Undoubtedly, the new Law to Combat Plastic Pollution and Protect the Environment, proposes adjustments in the behavior of all the country’s inhabitants, both consumers and commercial establishments. Which is a reminder that this century promises changes in the way we have been living, and although some of these modifications may be expensive, they are necessary to maintain life as we know it on our planet.

New resolution before COVID-19 in Costa Rica

The Government extends the term of concessions and permits for DISCHARGES that expire in 2020, THROUGH RESOLUTION R-0080-MINAE:

  1. The terms granted in those exploitation concessions and discharge permits are extended for one year.
  2. This measure seeks to support the productive sector in the face of the COVID-19 emergency, extending the term of water use concessions and discharge permits that expire in 2020.
  3. The original conditions of the concessions, as well as the discharge permits, must be respected by the administrators.
  4. Resolution R-0080-MINAE (see Here )
  5. List of Beneficiaries (see Here )

The validity of the Sanitary Operating Permits, Qualification Certificates, Licenses and Authorizations is EXTENDED , THROUGH RESOLUTION DM-RM-0748-2020 

  1. The validity of the Sanitary Operating Permits, Qualification Certificates, Licenses and Authorizations of the establishments and people who have them and that are between March 23 and September 30, 2020 is extended until September 30, 2020. .
  2. Requests for the renewal of Sanitary Operating Permits, Qualification Certificates, Licenses and Authorizations that are in the previous situation, must be processed in the respective offices responsible for management, during the month of September 2020, and not before. When they are renewed, the validity will be established from the original expiration date.
  3. New applications and modifications of Sanitary Operating Permits and Qualification Certificates, Licenses and Authorizations, required before September 30, 2020, must be processed by email, as long as there is no virtual system, the mailing list Electronic documents are available on the website of the Ministry of Health at the following link:
  4. Requests submitted via email must be digitally signed by the interested party, indicate an email for notifications and provide all the requirements established by the regulations in force for each case.

MINAE grants an extension to fuel suppliers that expire in 2020 (see Here )

  1. An automatic extension is granted to gas stations, transport units, peddler (house-to-house sale).
  2. It is extended for a period of three months and begins to take effect from the expiration date between April and June of this year.
  3. This measure seeks to help service stations, transport units and fuel self-consumption tanks in the face of the national emergency caused by COVID-19.
  4. The Concession may be extended depending on the evolution of the virus in the country. For this, the interested parties must present the application for renewal or updated Central American technical proof.

Government of Costa Rica issues Guide for business continuity

The Government of Costa Rica issued the Guide for the prevention, mitigation and business continuity due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the workplace , which establishes a series of guidelines aimed at promoting the continuity of companies as a means of livelihood of society, while ensuring that the reactivation of economic activities does not imply an increase in cases of COVID-19.

According to article 148 of the General Health Law, every person must be diligent in preventing the infestation and contamination of movable and immovable property and the formation of sources of infection. Additionally, article 147 of the same law establishes that every person must comply with the practices aimed at preventing the appearance and spread of communicable diseases. This Guide must be considered precisely as a diligent action to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

The Guide issued by the Government establishes as mandatory a series of actions and preventions that all companies must follow to continue their operations, among them we find:

  • Update your Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan with the pandemic scenario if it is not covered.
  • Be clear about the policy or protocols to be followed in possible emergency scenarios, managers, communication channels and disseminate this to all workers.
  • Keep updated contact and forms of timely communication with the Health Governing Area with jurisdiction in the locality.
  • Immediately notify the Health Governing Area of ​​the confirmation of a COVID-19 case in a worker under their charge.
  • Officialize through an internal communication to your staff the obligation to comply with the general guidelines, as well as the specific ones issued by the company for care, prevention and care in the event of a confirmed case.
  • Prepare and disseminate messages on healthy practices issued by the Ministry of Health and the Costa Rican Social Security Fund, through informative talks, enabling information points, distribution of informative material and reminders such as posters or electronic means
  • Inform by means of a sworn statement to the Governing Area of ​​Health of the locality about the company’s plans in accordance with the general guidelines.
  • Carry out a series of preparatory measures that are included in section 3.12 of the Guide and submit to the Occupational Health Council a sworn statement indicating compliance and the application of the Decision Tool for Operational Continuity . The Decision Tool and the model of the affidavit are included in the Guide and must be presented virtually, however, the web portal has not yet been enabled.
  • If one of the company’s collaborators is diagnosed as a positive case of COVID-19, the measures described in the section “Rehabilitation actions in case of a positive for Covid-19” of the Guide must be carried out and their compliance must be reported. through a sworn statement addressed to the local Health Governing Area .


Although the Guide does not mention any specific sanction for non-compliance with its guidelines, its compliance would certainly reduce the risks of all members of the organization, while promoting its continuity.

With these requirements, the authorities seek to guide the 113,000 companies that make up the Costa Rican business park towards a culture of prevention in their work centers that allows the necessary reactivation of the productive sector, minimizing to the maximum the risk of spreading the virus, both from preventive and immediate response point of view. Turning the business sector into a key piece for the economic and health recovery of the country.

Evolving towards the culture of prevention

COVID  -19 came to change the reality of the world as we currently know it and therefore the way companies operate.  It is difficult to think that after this crisis that organizations will return to where they were before, to operate as before, in a way in which prevention is usually seen as an expense and not an investment.

Actions aimed at preventing the health of workers are key to being able to face the new challenges that this century has in store for us, but they are also necessary to comply with the legal mandate of guaranteeing an adequate level of protection for the health and safety of workers. workers, required by the General Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks.

These preventive actions are becoming increasingly important in an overpopulated world in the process of climate change, where it is warned that events will frequently occur that test our emergency response systems and our ability to adapt. From now on, COVID-19 provides important lessons to organizations, one of them is that there were no protocols or emergency plans to deal with situations like this, so it is important to learn from the crisis and evolve. From now on, organizations, regardless of their size, have valuable experience that gives them the opportunity to develop a culture of prevention that allows them to survive over time and develop the necessary mechanisms to face a pandemic of this nature or any other. another future situation.

In accordance with the Principle of Prevention and the purposes of the aforementioned General Law on the Prevention of Occupational Risks, prior to the reincorporation of the activities of each organization, they must carry out a detailed analysis of all the risks to which the collaborators will be exposed. Due to the difficulty of foreseeing all the risks involved, it is recommended that the resumption of activities be done in an orderly and staggered manner, guaranteeing the safety and health of the workers, with especially sensitive groups being the last to rejoin, when the virus is fully controlled. This approach of taking preventive actions before resuming any economic activity is being taken as a mandatory measure by other countries in the region.

In the case of El Salvador, the result of the detailed risk analysis must be incorporated into the Occupational Risk Prevention Management Program (PGPRO), which is already established in article 8 of the General Law on Risk Prevention in the Workplaces, whose creation and implementation corresponds to the employer. Thus, the program described must be updated to include the risks of a pandemic that, until today, very few companies had foreseen as a real risk for their organization.

For this reason, even when there is no specific guide or guidelines issued by the Government, the prevention actions to be taken have been established in the principles and the very object of the General Law on Risk Prevention, and therefore they must be incorporated. and be implemented within companies, updating the PGPRO.

Failure to comply with the duty to guarantee an adequate level of protection of the health and safety of workers can be considered a very serious infraction established in article 80 of the Law in reference, for not adopting the applicable preventive measures in matters of Safety and Health. Occupational, when said omission results in a serious and imminent risk to the health of the workers, whose fine will be established between twenty-two to twenty-eight monthly minimum wages, depending on the capacity of the offender, in addition to the sanctions that may be imposed as soon as the regulations are issued. specific guidelines for each activity.

With this we conclude that for the return to the operation of each organization, it is essential that each one evaluates its risks, according to its size and activity, establishing clear, simple measures that expose the commitment of the organization and the workers to avoid risk of contagion from this or another type of future virus, always under an adaptive approach that allows the organization to evolve and survive in a new culture where prevention and resilience are key.

Reduction of procedures and requirements for economic reactivation in Costa Rica

Recently, guideline number 085-MIDEPLAN-MEIC was issued to reduce procedures in Central Government entities, decentralized institutions and municipalities in search of the economic recovery of the country. With this, the Public Administration has 3 ways to process the issuance of permits necessary for the development of economic activities, which we detail:

It seeks to streamline 119 procedures within a period of 3 months, 6 months and the first quarter of 2021, according to Executive Decree No. 41795-P-MEIC of June 19, 2019 in which it was arranged to promote the use of the affidavit as a measure to speed up the procedures.

Single Window for Investment:
It is planned to speed up the Single Window for Investment platform, under the principles of efficiency and effectiveness of the Public Administration, with the digitization and simplification of 69 procedures.

Regulatory Improvement Plan:
The heads of the Centralized Public Administration are instructed and the heads of the Decentralized Public Administration are urged to execute the following percentages of improvement according to the deadlines for progress in the defined regulatory improvement plans: Advance:

  1. 50% advance as of June 10, 2020.
  2. 75% progress as of September 10, 2020.
  3. 100% compliance as of December 10, 2020, of all the procedures contained in the duly simplified regulatory improvement plan. 

Some of the procedures that will be streamlined are:

  1. D2 (low environmental impact) before SETENA. Within a maximum granting period of 2 business days
  2. Sanitary operating permit Category A and B granted by the Ministry of Health. Within a maximum period of 7 business days
  3. Issuance of the municipal land use certificate . Within 5 business days
  4. Environmental viability D1+DJCA issued by SETENA . Within 49 business days
  5. Environmental viability D1+PGA granted by SETENA . Within 63 business days
  6. Environmental viability D1+ESIA issued by SETENA . Within 126 business days
  7. Authorization for self-consumption hydrocarbon tanks issued by MINAE. Within 7 business days
  8. Boiler permit from the Ministry of Health. Within 7 business days
  9. Wastewater treatment plant location permit issued by the Ministry of Health. Within 10 business days

To see the complete Guideline 085, click on this link.

For more information or if you require advice on any of the procedures mentioned, ZONE is at your disposal. You can contact us at

Risk Prevention – Health and Safety at Work in Costa Rica

According to the World Health Organization, Occupational Health and Safety management is a multidisciplinary activity that promotes the protection of health, physical, mental and social well-being of workers.

Costa Rica is a country that has been characterized by its achievements in terms of Health and Social Security, with which over time it has managed to guarantee the working population better working conditions. To achieve constant improvement, every employer must adopt the necessary measures for hygiene and safety at work in their company.

For its part, the State is in charge of establishing the minimum standards of Health and Safety at Work, as well as supervising and controlling their compliance. The legislation on Health and Safety at Work in Costa Rica is extensive and begins with general regulations of the Political Constitution or the Labor Code, to regulate precise situations through Decrees and Guidelines issued and constantly updated by the Ministry of Health.

With the aim of enforcing the applicable legislation on Occupational Health, the Occupational Health Council is created as a technical entity attached to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, which performs various functions such as:

  1. Promote the best Occupational Health conditions in all work centers in the country.
  2. Carry out studies and research in the field of their competence.
  3. Promote the necessary regulations to guarantee optimal Occupational Health conditions in all workplaces.
  4. Promote by all possible means, the training of technical people, specialized in the various branches of Occupational Health and the training of employers and workers in Occupational Health.
  5. Carry out the dissemination of all conventions with the ILO, laws, decrees, regulations, guidelines, technical legal criteria, technical standards, guides, manuals and methods of prevention of work risk and technical systems of prevention of work risk.
  6. Prepare manuals, catalogs and lists of safety devices and personal protection equipment for workers, for the different activities.
  7. Prepare bills and regulations on their organic specialty, as well as issue essential criteria on the laws that are processed regarding occupational health.
  8. Propose to the Executive Power the list of equipment and personal protection items for workers, which can be imported and brought into the country with exemption from taxes, fees and surcharges.
  9. Carry out or coordinate national or local occupational health campaigns, on their own initiative or in collaboration with public or private entities; Carry out all kinds of statistical and economic studies related to the matter of its competence.

For their part, companies, depending on the number of workers, must register an Occupational Health Commission and an Occupational Health Office, with which they come to collaborate in the prevention of work risks. Through the development and implementation of occupational health programs, safety plans and preventive medicine plans.

Work centers must register the Occupational Health Commissions when they permanently employ ten or more workers; and these must be made up of an equal number of representatives from the employer and from workers.

The purpose of the Occupational Health Commissions is to investigate the causes of occupational hazards, recommend prevention measures, monitor compliance with Occupational Health provisions, promote training in this area for employers and workers, form emergency and fire brigades. and coordinate the purchase of equipment.

As for the Occupational Health offices, they must be formed when they permanently occupy more than fifty workers. Some of its functions are:

  1. Manage the occupational health of people in the workplace, based on a prevention approach, with comprehensive management of hygiene, safety and psychological risks and emerging and re-emerging risks, depending on the nature of each company.
  2. Intervene on the risk factors of work activity, through a diagnosis to address through an intervention strategy.
  3. Keep a statistical record of accidents and illnesses as a result of work.
  4. Submit to the Council a report on cases of accidents or illnesses.
  5. Carry out occupational health prevention and promotion activities through training and raising awareness among workers.

In 2015, through Executive Decree No. 39321-MTSS, the National Occupational Health Policy of Costa Rica is promulgated, which defines the national guidelines that guide state action in matters of Health and Safety at Work.

The objective of the policy is to establish the general guidelines for the improvement of working conditions and environment and a culture of prevention in labor harmony, which promotes a healthy style and quality of life for working people. Consolidate the National Occupational Health System. Review and update the regulatory framework in Occupational Health and develop strategies that allow the promotion of health, prevention, protection, labor adaptation of workers and healthy workplaces.