Carbon Bonds and REDD Strategy
The Kyoto Protocol (2005) aims to force developed and developing countries to fight for climate change through international action to reduce emissions of Greenhouse Gases -GHG- that are responsible for global warming. .
In this way, the famous "carbon bonds" arise, considered an international mechanism to offset carbon emissions to the environment.
These bonds consider the right to pollute as an exchangeable good and with a price established in the international market. The transaction of carbon credits allows mitigating the generation of polluting gases.
Specifically for the forest issue in 2007, the Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation (REDD+) was created in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which seeks to recognize and provide positive incentives to developing countries to protect their forest resources, improve their management and use them sustainably, especially conservation of carbon stocks, sustainable management of forests and the increase of forest reserves in developing countries.
At the governmental level, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, together with the institutions that seek the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and support from the international community, seek to create a framework of policies, actions and activities that allow the reduction of emissions by promoting the conservation and sustainable use of forests.
Currently in Guatemala, there are projects dedicated to these actions, such as Guatecarbon, located in the multiple use zone of the Mayan Biosphere Reserve in the department of El Petén, seeking to reduce deforestation, reducing river sedimentation, preserving the biodiversity that is being produced by the expansion of the agricultural and livestock frontier.
Guatecarbon integrates the private initiative, foreign investment, government entities, community associations, which is an action of great importance of inter-institutional work to achieve the conservation of the environment and prevent its contamination.