Trend towards occupational health compliance
A large part of the health regulations issued in 2020 are focused on the protection of employees
during their working hours. Therefore, one of the aspects that became more relevant at the
beginning of this decade is the growing attention to compliance with health and safety
regulations in the company.
Since the beginning of 2020, authorities worldwide have been much more vigilant about
compliance with health regulations, which is why they have increased inspections of company
facilities to verify that employees are working under adequate health and safety conditions.
security. Although these inspections are intended to prevent the transmission of diseases, once
the officers are in inspection, they usually audit compliance with other standards that are equally
In Costa Rica, the regulations for the protection of the health and safety of employees place
special emphasis on companies being diligent in the prevention of risks at work. For this reason,
companies that manage to demonstrate the correct implementation of an occupational health
and safety compliance program, even when accidents occur, manage to avoid sanctions that
can go as far as the cancellation of permits and the closure of activities.
On the other hand, companies with processes that ensure the safety of their employees tend to
have a much better business image and experience fewer incidents that delay operations.
Among the main elements to have an effective occupational health and safety program, we find:
The identification of the health and safety standards that regulate each of the processes and
the ways to comply with them.
Communicate compliance duties so that they are accessible to all members of the
Constant training on behaviors that ensure compliance with the rules.
Establish communication mechanisms that favor the reporting of irregularities and
opportunities for improvement.
The constant verification of compliance, through previously defined processes.
Commitment to compliance by all levels of the organization.
Periodic evaluation and updating of legal regulations and other applicable standards.
The possibility of verifying the application of the program over time.