Environmental Management System in Honduras

By zone_admin | 23 de May de 2022 | Blog

Environmental Management is the set of    activities,  processes , policies   carried out by a company    in order to  balance  economic development  , the proper use of resources and environmental protection.    Organizations  that implement an Environmental Management  System generate  greater trust with their clients and a better position in the market, since they must comply with all the environmental requirements established by the administration, clients, and society as such to ensure compliance with sustainable development as a company . .  The Environmental Management System is responsible for developing, implementing, reviewing and maintaining all the environmental commitments  assumed by  the company ,  following the PHVA methodology : Plan , Do, Verify, Act.     It must be taken into account that the implementation  of an Environmental Management System is a process of continuous improvement  that implies the periodic review of:  Environmental Policy, Environmental Review, Planning, Implementation,  Internal Audit,  External Environmental Communication, Measurement and Evaluation . .  Some of the advantages of implementing an Environmental Management System  are: 
  • It allows to know the environmental legislation  related to the activity that is developed. 
  • It strengthens relations with local authorities  as it  means  working together  for  environmental improvement  and above all for improving people's quality of life. 
  • Recorded  and controlled resources, obtaining savings in energy, water, process efficiency and, above all, reducing the amount of waste generated. 
  •  Corrective measures in the event of system failures. 
  • Increase in the quality of the services provided and greater efficiency in the development of the company's activities  thanks to the constant evaluation process . 
  • Improvement of the image of the company through  the  commitments  with the  environment , also with this it is possible to obtain  a better position in the market. 
A tool to implement an adequate Environmental Management System  is the international standard ISO 14001:2015, which  aims to provide organizations with a reference framework to protect the environment and adapt to changing environmental conditions ,  in balance with socioeconomic needs . .     Implementing the Environmental  Management System under the ISO 14001:2015 standard provides international certification ,  which differentiates the organization  for  its commitment to the  environment and provides a business opportunity.