The importance of an environmental regency

By zone_admin | 24 de May de 2022 | Blog

In the business environment, there is a diversity of obligations and requirements that must be developed and fulfilled, both at the national and international legal level, internal requirements of the company or of the parent companies, among others.   One aspect that is generally the least attended by companies is that related to environmental aspects. Because it is an unknown, new, different and unusual subject, the collaborators, directors or managers in charge have a large amount of work, various areas and tasks in charge or little experience in the subject.   This lack of knowledge and little attention can generate carelessness and breaches of environmental legal requirements by companies, generally related to wastewater treatment plants, final disposal of solid and hazardous waste, groundwater management, environmental instruments, control of noise and emissions, which can result in: fines, license suspensions, closures, administrative and criminal complaints.  The environmental regency can be defined as the series of actions aimed at carrying out control, compliance and monitoring of environmental obligations by companies. It must be carried out by an expert, with experience in both technical and legal matters. First of all, these environmental obligations must be those established in current national and international environmental laws and those set internally by companies to meet quality standards or internal management standards.   From this account, the environmental regency practically becomes a crutch or key support towards the collaborators, directors or  in  - house managers  of the companies and guarantee in an effective, professional and comprehensive way that the company is in compliance with national and international standards in environmental issues.