Soil degradation in Nicaragua

By zone_admin | 27 de May de 2022 | Blog

To continue with terrestrial life as we know it, proper soil management must be promoted, in order to avoid its degradation. The term "Soil Degradation", in accordance with the provisions of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is defined as: " a change in the health of the soil resulting in a diminished capacity of the ecosystem to produce goods or provide services for its beneficiaries ”. The most common causes and consequences in Nicaragua of soil degradation are the following:
  • Chemical degradation:  The extensive use of pesticides causes soil poisoning, which adversely affects its ability to reintegrate its own physical and chemical elements.
  • Expansive grazing: Product of the absence of a plantation system established for this purpose. Herds graze freely without any restrictions, so much of the existing vegetation cover is affected.
  • Physical erosion:  The absence of vegetation cover produced by the burning of pastures, cutting of all the stubble and felling of trees, causes sediments or fractures to be generated in the land.
According to studies by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), soil degradation in Nicaragua is alarming and threatens not only production, but also the health and nutrition of the inhabitants of the Pacific and Central zones, due to the soil recovery is forty times slower than the rest of the countries in the region. In order to mitigate the impact on the soil, public and private policies are necessary, for which CIAT together with the National Agrarian University (UNA), with the support of the Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), have developed maps updated on land use in Nicaragua. Additionally, it is essential to make farmers aware so that they modify their production practices, and immediately carry out at least the following environmentally friendly practices.
      • Promote the use of organic fertilizers, instead of chemical components.
      • Develop silvopastoral systems, that is, cattle graze on extensions of wooded land.
      • Do not carry out agricultural burning, develop forest plantations, and avoid indiscriminate felling of trees