New Regulation for the comprehensive management of waste and common solid waste in Guatemala

The regulation that will govern waste management in Guatemala is published

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources published the Ministerial Agreement No. 164-2021 that contains Regulations for the comprehensive management of waste and common solid waste. Said regulation enters into force on August 11, 2021 and stands out for the following points:

  • Promote the development of municipal plans for the comprehensive management of residues and solid waste.
  • Detail of compliance with occupational health and safety measures for any person (natural or legal) that operates or carries out activities related to the comprehensive management of residues and solid waste.
  • Promotion of industrial activities related to recycling.
  • Detail of technical standards applicable to activities related to the comprehensive management of residues and solid waste.
  • Regulation on treatment of common solid waste.
  • Regulation for the final disposal of common solid waste.
  • Detail of administrative permits and government authorizations for said activities.
  • Promotion of the circular economy.
  • Infringements and sanctions.

ZONE has a team that can provide specialized advice to be in compliance with the new environmental regulation. Contact us at[email protected] or by phone +502 2225-7000.

Ban on single-use plastics in Guatemala

On September 20, 2019, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources published Government Agreement 189-2019 through which   the use and distribution of single-use plastic bags, plastic straws, plates and glasses is prohibited at the national level. disposable plastics, disposable plastic mixers and stirrers, disposable plastic containers or containers for storing or transporting food; as well as expanded polystyrene products (duroport) used to store or transport food .

At that time, a period of two (2) years was set for all individuals or legal entities that use the aforementioned products to replace them with articles made with materials that comply with the European Union standard UNE-EN 13432.  This term expires on September 21, 2021 .

We recommend taking this issue into consideration since the Government Agreement has not been suspended or repealed, and as it is in force it becomes a mandatory rule.

ZONE has a team of experienced professionals who can advise you on the scope of this prohibition and the due environmental compliance of your company in Guatemala. For more information, contact us at +502 2225-7000 or by email at [email protected].

Food Safety: Regulation in Guatemala

Cases of people contracting diseases due to the consumption of food or water that are contaminated by microorganisms, dangerous germs and/or toxic chemicals that can even cause death are regularly recorded. It is estimated that each year around 600 million people worldwide – almost 1 in 10 inhabitants – get sick from eating contaminated food.

Water and food are safe when they are free of dangerous microbes (bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi), chemicals (allergens, veterinary drug residues, agrochemicals, or toxins), or external physical agents (soil, hair, insects, etc.) that They are a risk to our health.

A safe food is also called innocuous.

Food safety is defined as “ the assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or consumed according to its intended use”.

The World Health Organization, for its part, establishes that access to safe and nutritious food in sufficient quantity is essential to sustain life and promote good health. Furthermore, the provision of safe food strengthens national economies, trade and tourism, contributes to food and nutrition security, and serves as a foundation for sustainable development.

Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance

In accordance with the Guatemalan legal order, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance is the governing body of the office of the State Executive Organism, to comply with the constitutional mandate of ensuring the health and social assistance of the inhabitants. In this sense, the aforementioned Ministry, through the Department of Regulation and Surveillance of Food and Beverages, will control:

The quality and safety of products for human consumption, monitoring good manufacturing practices; through the granting of health licenses and/or reference health records.

Sanitary license

Through the sanitary license, the General Directorate of Regulation, Surveillance and Control of Health, seeks to measure a minimum of hygiene standards and manufacturing practices that guarantee the safety and quality of products for human consumption and is mandatory for each establishment. where activities of food industrialization, preparation and sale of food are carried out.

All owners of food establishments, prior to their operation or opening to the public, must obtain the sanitary license issued by the Department of Food Regulation and Control. It is important to take into account that the operation of food establishments without a valid sanitary license is prohibited.

Food handling

One of the necessary requirements of a food establishment or production unit is to ask food handlers for valid health documents that are legally appropriate, to check their good condition and maintain their health history. These documents consist of the lungs card and the food handling card.

It is a duty of the food industry and food vendors, the health training of food handlers. This training is received at the Health Center closest to where the food establishment or production unit is located.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider these legal aspects for food-related industries in order to guarantee that they will not cause harm to the consumer.

Current status of procedures for obtaining permits to operate a business in Guatemala.

In Guatemala, for any work, project or industry, a series of permits is necessary to operate, among which we can mention:

  1. Environmental Impact Study, which must be approved by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources as established in the Law for the Protection and Improvement of the Environment.
  2. Sanitary License issued by the Health Centers, attached to the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance, as established in the Health Code;
  3. Occupational Health and Safety Plans, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, as established in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
  4. Emergency Response Plan approved by the Disaster Reduction Coordinator, as established in Disaster Reduction Standard number two-NRD-2.
  5. Municipal permits that will depend on each municipal jurisdiction establishing the corresponding permit.
  6. Hydrocarbon licenses in general, approved by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, among others.

In the country there is a particular situation related to obtaining permits from the institutions, which consists in the fact that there is no established order or clear information to obtain permits. This creates a problem for companies since there is confusion, misinformation, disorder and government bureaucracy on the subject.

In this sense, the personnel in charge of verifying the obtaining and compliance with the permits to operate of a company are generally assigned a series of additional administrative tasks typical of what the company does and this implies an extra burden of attributions that has as a consequence the carelessness or inattention in the issue of permissions.

As a result of the situation experienced by the employees in charge of the issue of permits, it is recommended that they rely on companies that can advise them, take control and carry out the necessary procedures before public institutions to obtain permits and thus guarantee that companies are in compliance to operate.

For this, ZONE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES puts at your disposal the experience that is available for the processing of these permits before the aforementioned Public Institutions, so that companies can achieve compliance.

Having this service implies a benefit to the companies, because they avoid wear and bureaucracy before the institutions to obtain the permit, the employees can dedicate themselves to the assigned tasks of the company, and they have technical support staff that can solve Doubts or queries about the requirements, process, costs and time to obtain the permit.

Regularize your company with an environmental instrument (within 8 months)

In Guatemala, every project, work or industry must have an approved Environmental Instrument and in this sense must comply with the provisions of the Environmental Evaluation, Control and Monitoring Regulation.

Through this regulation, the entire structure, requirements and procedures related to environmental instruments, also known as Environmental Impact Studies, which are approved by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources -MARN-, are established.

The current Regulation was approved in July 2016, and established a grace period of two years, expiring in July 2018, so that all companies that did not have an approved environmental instrument could regularize their situation, paying a fine for a value of Q. 5,000.00 (US$ 700.00) regardless of the impact category of the project. After that term, the fine could increase from Q. 5,000.00 (US$700.00) to Q. 100,000.00 (US$14,000.00).

However, the extension was extended when on July 10, 2018, the reforms related to the Environmental Evaluation, Control and Monitoring Regulation were published in the Official Gazette, in which the term was extended until January  3, 2020  for Existing projects, works and industries that do not have an Environmental Instrument, can present the corresponding corrective, keeping the value of the fine of Q. 5,000.00 (US$ 700.00) regardless of the impact category of the project.

There are two types of environmental instrument that can be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources:

  • Environmental Impact Study (EIA): it is the environmental instrument, which must be carried out for activities or projects  that have not been carried out,  and its environmental impact will be predicted. Here it is established how the impact will be mitigated, from construction to operation. This environmental instrument does not generate a fine.
  • Environmental diagnosis: It is the environmental instrument that contemplates the evaluation of the impact of all the activities  that are already  built or operating  and that already generated the environmental impact. This establishes the way in which it will mitigate the impact it is already generating (in water, noise, air, and others). This environmental instrument does generate a fine.

The elaboration of these environmental instruments must be carried out by a registered environmental consultant, or a consulting company registered in the MARN and it takes from 15 days to two months to prepare it before its presentation to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

In this sense, it is important to consider and take advantage of this new term so that any work, project or industry can present its environmental instrument and avoid being subject to fines or even criminal complaints for pollution or non-compliance with environmental issues and, most importantly, help mitigate pollution. that occurs in general.

Reforms to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations in Guatemala

The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare issued Government Agreement No. 57-2022 containing reforms to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. These reforms come into force as of March 4, 2022. Among the reforms implemented, the following stand out:

  1. The powers and functions of the occupational health and safety committee must also be included in the Internal Work Regulations.
  2. Changes in risk prevention obligations for employers, based on the number of employees in a workplace.
  3. Updating of occupational health and safety plans every three (3) years, by the employer.
  4. Establishment of levels of health care in the workplace.
  5. The National Council for Occupational Health and Safety -CONASSO- will issue technical standards complementary to these reforms.

We recommend having specialized advice on the matter to ensure that your company reaches compliance levels and avoids sanctions. You can contact us at the following emails: [email protected] and [email protected] , or by phone 2225-7000.

Forest Fires in Guatemala

By Elizabeth Cardona : Lawyer and Environmental Consultant for Zone in Guatemala.

Forest fires involve large, unforeseen fires that burn in natural areas; that is, in forests, grasslands or prairies. Wildfires can:

  • Be caused by humans or lightning.
  • Happen anytime, anywhere. The risk increases in periods of little rain and strong winds.
  • Cause flooding or interruptions in transportation, gasoline, electricity and communication services.

In Guatemala, the causes of forest fires are generally negligence and slashing with few controls, that is, when a producer burns his harvest to plant again.

According to the Coordinator for the Reduction of Disasters -CONRED-, (entity in charge of preventing, mitigating, attending and participating in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the damages derived from the presence of disasters), so far in 2019, the fire It has consumed a total of 498.62 hectares, the equivalent of 697 soccer fields, in places outside protected areas.

However, the area of ​​Petén (north of the country), where most of the protected areas are located, especially the Laguna del Tigre National Park, has been the victim of large-scale forest fires, consuming approximately 1,490 hectares, the equivalent of 2,086 soccer fields, according to the National Council of Protected Areas.

Forest fires cause damage to the forests, flora and fauna of the place, especially seriously affecting when they are species that are in danger of extinction such as the red macaw in Petén.

Among the recommendations that CONRED has established to prevent forest fires, are:

  • Monitor weather conditions (increase or decrease in wind speed).
  • When making bonfires, take the necessary precautions in the place where it will be made and put them out before leaving the site.
  • Make a barrier with stones to prevent a fathom from rolling or a spark from flying due to the effects of the wind.

Finally, it should be taken into account that during the first months of the year, due to the dry season, the risk of forest fires increases, so in this period one must be especially careful and act actively in the prevention of this type of emergency.

New deadline to regularize environmental instruments in Guatemala

On January 3, 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources decreed a 3-year extension to the term for regularization of environmental instruments in Guatemala. Thus, existing projects have until December 16, 2022 to request their respective environmental license.

The environmental instrument is a technical document that establishes the environmental impacts or risks and the actions that will be carried out to mitigate those damages; said instrument is approved by means of an environmental license. The obligation to have an environmental instrument exists since 1986 according to article 8 of the Law for the Protection and Improvement of the Environment (Decree 68-86). However, the national interest in complying with environmental legal provisions has recently increased, following the global trend of concern for the preservation of the environment and the fight against climate change.

In 2016, the Environmental Control and Monitoring Regulation -RECSA-, Government Agreement 137-2016, was issued, setting a two-year term for companies to regularize themselves by presenting their environmental instrument. It is important to clarify that the fact of being regularized by presenting an environmental instrument does not exempt the interested party from being subject to the imposition of a fine of Q. 5,000.00. for having started operations without presenting its environmental instrument. However, despite the fact that such a fine is legally established, the Ministry of the Environment is not currently imposing such a sanction.

Due to the large number of interested parties who decided to regularize their situation in terms of environmental regulations, on December 24, 2019, the reform to RECSA was published in the Diario de Centro América and established two important modifications:

  1. A term of 3 more years ( expiring on December 16, 2022 ) was set for the process of regularization of environmental instruments, with the imposition of a fine of Q. 5,000.00 regardless of the category of the project.
  2. The obligation to present a bond or better known as surety insurance, which was a requirement for obtaining an environmental license, was eliminated.

Therefore, it is clear that all works, projects and industries must carry out the environmental instrument considering:

  • In the first place, the opportunity of the new fixed term;
  • Secondly, the fact that it is no longer necessary to hire a surety bond or insurance, which implied an additional cost for the companies and
  • Third, but not least, it is a mechanism to identify the environmental damage that occurs and seek to mitigate it.

Let us remember that the purpose of all of the above implies being in compliance with local legislation, guaranteeing the protection of our environment and seeking to mitigate the damage we cause.

Regulations issued in Guatemala due to the COVID-19 crisis

Through Government Decree 05-2020 dated March 5, 2020, the President of the Republic ordered a state of calamity and the immediate implementation of regulations that come from the Ministries of Economy; Labor and Social Welfare; and Public Health and Social Assistance. Said Government Decree has been modified and expanded by Government Decrees 06-2020 and 07-2020.

As a complement, the presidential provisions dated March 16 and 21, 2020 were issued. These were repealed by the presidential provisions dated March 29, 2020, which are currently in force. The set of presidential provisions establish restrictions and prohibitions to various economic sectors, companies and workplaces. Only those considered essential and those authorized by the Ministry of Economy can operate.

Ministry of Economy

As of March 18, 2020, it issued administrative authorization to companies and work centers whose operations are not prohibited by presidential provisions. These authorized companies have, among others, the following obligations:

  • Ensure health services for all its employees, in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
  • Facilitate health services in the production plant for its employees, in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

Companies authorized to operate during government restrictions are subject to inspection for compliance with the obligations described above. In case of not complying with it, they will be closed and will not be able to operate in the rest of the time that the restrictions last.

Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance

On March 14, 2020, it issues official communication number 33, indicating that all work activities must be supervised by the employer and adhere to the prevention measures issued by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance.

Also, on March 15, 2020, it issues official communication number 36 in which it establishes that the employer sector must take into consideration that all people over 70 years of age or with serious illnesses must work from their homes, because they are groups high risk of contagion of COVID-19.

Presidential provisions in force

As of March 30, 2020, the presidential provisions dated March 29, 2020 came into force. Regarding occupational health and safety, they literally establish that all the inhabitants of the country, legal entities, companies and private entities must:

“… 1. Apply the measures, protocols and recommendations of health, hygiene and sanitary and occupational safety for the prevention and containment of COVID-19 that is found in the virtual communication platforms and electronic portals of the Government, as well as any provision established by competent authorities, including national and international health regulations.

  1. Follow up and comply with the Plan for the Prevention, containment and response to cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Guatemala , issued by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance, which is found on the virtual communication platforms and electronic portals of the Government.

All people must comply with the health standard of social distancing, carrying out their activities respecting a distance of at least one meter and fifty centimeters from each other, avoiding unnecessary physical contact …”

Annual Environmental Compliance Obligations

Persons, companies, businesses or institutions whose activities are subject to environmental requirements must annually carry out a verification of environmental compliance with their obligations. This verification is intended to collect and analyze information on the status of compliance, and will also allow detecting and correcting possible violations of the law.

Art. 9 of the Special Wastewater Regulation establishes that the owners must prepare and submit to the Ministry operational reports on the wastewater treatment systems and the conditions of their discharges, reflecting the frequency of sampling and that this will form part of the annual report on the results of the application of the Environmental Management or Environmental Adaptation Programs.

The Annual Operation Report (IOA) is the environmental compliance mechanism of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), by means of which companies and institutions that have the Environmental Permit for their work, activity or project, either in the construction or operation stage, they must report annually during the first three (3) months, the operational status of their activity, detailing key information on the generation, management and disposal of: Solid waste, Wastewater, Atmospheric emissions , Use of hazardous materials and waste, consumption of water and other raw materials used in its production process.

The Annual Operational Report, being prepared by the company or institution itself, provides much more complete information on the compliance of the company or institution than that which can be obtained through periodic inspections, and its main purpose is to provide the necessary information to carry out a mapping of the country’s environmental situation and determine the points of greatest problems, in terms of polluting stationary sources. Likewise, the information in these reports constitutes a source for identifying sectors of the productive activity that need to improve their environmental performance.

The IOA must show the environmental performance information of the immediately previous year and must be complemented with proof of execution of the environmental measures and of the laboratory analyzes of the study period.

Failure to comply with this annual obligation is sanctioned in article 87 of the Environmental Law, which classifies as Serious Offenses the breach of the obligations contained in numerals c) and i) of article 86 of the same legal body, allowing the initiation of an administrative sanctioning process and the imposition of fines.