Neutral Carbon – ABC of Carbon Neutrality

By zone_admin | 30 de May de 2022 | Blog

What is Carbon Neutral and to whom does it apply? Being Carbon Neutral means that the production of a good, the provision of a service or its consumption has not emitted more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than those that have been captured or removed. This is why Carbon Neutrality is applicable to any organization, regardless of its line of business or its size (ie office, university, hotels, restaurants, industry), since they generate carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), the most frequent being the consumption of electricity, fuels, refrigerants, fire extinguishers, lubricants, and the management of their waste. Why be Carbon Neutral? The greatest advantages it represents for an organization are the following:
  1. Image and positioning.
It allows the organization to position itself with an advantage in the mind of the consumer and differentiate itself from the competition.
  1. Sales promotion.
The new consumer is increasingly responsible with society and the environment, so they would be willing to use products or services with eco-friendly characteristics.
  1. Cost reduction and control.
The conscious and voluntary implementation of carbon footprint mitigation measures leads to the discovery and elimination of inefficiencies in operating processes, an efficient and reasonable use of its resources, the result of which is considerable economic savings.
  1. Greater ease in opening markets.
Obtaining a Carbon Neutrality Certification represents a competitive tool of great value for the company in a market that already demands or expects proof of environmental commitment.
  1. Other benefits.
A positive impact on the company's morale and culture, greater ease in hiring quality personnel, and increased credibility with customers, suppliers and society in general. How to be Carbon Neutral and who can support me in this process? Being Carbon Neutral does not mean avoiding the use of generation sources, but rather achieving a balance between generation and their reduction. Briefly, Carbon Neutrality is achieved in the following order.
  1. Quantification.
It is achieved by identifying the generation sources and quantifying the emissions produced by them in a verifiable period.
  1. Reduction.
Through the rational use of its resources, optimization and use of alternative energy sources, as well as the proper management of its waste (ie recycling campaigns).
  1. Removal.
Through the establishment of specific projects that show the capture of CO2 through photosynthetic activity (ie development of forest plantations) or through the purchase of Carbon Certificates. In addition to the above, and with the objective that the organization can really use the character of Neutral Carbon, it must have a certification issued by independent, local or international third parties, based on standards, protocols or procedures duly established and recognized internationally (ie ISO14064). Due to the environmental and economic benefits that this entails, we believe that every organization should be certified as Carbon Neutral, so you can count on the support of ZONE for the implementation of the Carbon Neutral Management System until the company can have its Certification. .